Too Much Information

We notice things already primed in  memory or repeated often

Bizarre, funny, visually-striking, or anthropomorphic things stick out more than non-bizarre/unfunny things

We notice when something has changed

We are drawn to details that confirm our own existing beliefs

We notice flaws in others more easily than we notice flaws in ourselves

Not Enough Meaning

We tend to find stories and data when looking at sparse data

We fill in characteristics from stereotypes, generalities, and prior histories

We imagine things and people we’re familiar with or fond of as better

We simplify probabilities and numbers to make them easier to think about

We think we know what other people are thinking

We project our current mindset and assumptions onto the past and future

Need To Act Fast

We favor simple-looking options and complete information over complex, ambiguous options

To avoid mistakes, we aim to preserve autonomy and group status and avoid irreversible decisions

To get things done, we tend to complete things we’ve time & energy in

To stay focused, we favor the immediate, relatable thing in front of us

To act, we must be confident we can make an impact and feel what we do is important

What Should We Remember?

We store memories differently based on how they are experienced

We reduce events and lists to their key elements

We discard specifics to form generalities

We edit and reinforce some memories after the fact

The Cognitive Bias Codex: A Visual Of 180+ Cognitive Biases