Relevant XHTML attributes:
- @rel: a whitespace separated list of CURIEs, used for expressing relationships between two resources ('predicates’);
- @rev: a whitespace separated list of CURIEs, used for expressing reverse relationships between two resources (also 'predicates');
- @content: a string, for supplying machine-readable content for a literal (a 'plain literal object‘)
- @href: a URI for expressing the partner resource of a relationship (a 'resource object‘);
- @src: a URI for expressing the partner resource of a relationship when the resource is embedded (also a 'resource object').
New RDFa-specific attributes:
- @about: a URIorSafeCURIE, used for stating what the data is about (a 'subject’);
@property: a whitespace separated list of CURIEs, used for expressing relationships between a subject and some literal text (also a 'predicate');
@resource: a URIorSafeCURIE for expressing the partner resource of a relationship that is not intended to be 'clickable' (also an 'object');
@datatype: a CURIE representing a datatype, to express the datatype of a literal;
@typeof: a whitespace separated list of CURIEs that indicate the RDF type(s) to associate with a subject.