This is the RDFa representation of the schema, the underlying representation of the vocabulary.
It is represented in a form based on W3C RDF/RDFS. We encourage proposals for improvements to be expressed
in this same style. For Discussion please use the W3C Web schemas group.
Note: the style of RDFa used here may change in the future. To see the substantive content of the schema, view the
HTML source markup. We use a simple subset of RDFa for syntax, including prefixes that are declared in the
RDFa initial context.
ThingThe most generic type of item.
CreativeWorkThe most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.Subclass of: ThingSource: rNews
WebPageA web page. Every web page is implicitly assumed to be declared to be of type WebPage, so the various properties about that webpage, such as <code>breadcrumb</code> may be used. We recommend explicit declaration if these properties are specified, but if they are found outside of an itemscope, they will be assumed to be about the pageSubclass of: CreativeWork
AboutPageWeb page type: About page.Subclass of: WebPage
OrganizationAn organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.Subclass of: Thing
PlaceEntities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension.Subclass of: Thing
LocalBusinessA particular physical business or branch of an organization. Examples of LocalBusiness include a restaurant, a particular branch of a restaurant chain, a branch of a bank, a medical practice, a club, a bowling alley, etc.Subclass of: OrganizationSubclass of: Place
AdministrativeAreaA geographical region under the jurisdiction of a particular government.Subclass of: Place
EntertainmentBusinessA business providing entertainment.Subclass of: LocalBusiness
AdultEntertainmentAn adult entertainment establishment.Subclass of: EntertainmentBusiness
IntangibleA utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things such as quantities, structured values, etc.Subclass of: Thing
OfferAn offer to transfer some rights to an item or to provide a service—for example, an offer to sell tickets to an event, to rent the DVD of a movie, to stream a TV show over the internet, to repair a motorcycle, or to loan a book.
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Subclass of: IntangibleSource: GoodRelationsProperties
AggregateOfferWhen a single product is associated with multiple offers (for example, the same pair of shoes is offered by different merchants), then AggregateOffer can be used.Subclass of: Offer
RatingA rating is an evaluation on a numeric scale, such as 1 to 5 stars.Subclass of: Intangible
AggregateRatingThe average rating based on multiple ratings or reviews.Subclass of: Rating
CivicStructureA public structure, such as a town hall or concert hall.Subclass of: Place
MedicalEntityThe most generic type of entity related to health and the practice of medicine.Subclass of: ThingSource: WikiDoc
AnatomicalStructureAny part of the human body, typically a component of an anatomical system. Organs, tissues, and cells are all anatomical structures.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
AnatomicalSystemAn anatomical system is a group of anatomical structures that work together to perform a certain task. Anatomical systems, such as organ systems, are one organizing principle of anatomy, and can includes circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, urinary, vestibular, and other systems.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
MedicalIndicationA condition or factor that indicates use of a medical therapy, including signs, symptoms, risk factors, anatomical states, etc.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
ApprovedIndicationAn indication for a medical therapy that has been formally specified or approved by a regulatory body that regulates use of the therapy; for example, the US FDA approves indications for most drugs in the US.Subclass of: MedicalIndicationSource: WikiDoc
VesselA component of the human body circulatory system comprised of an intricate network of hollow tubes that transport blood throughout the entire body.Subclass of: AnatomicalStructureSource: WikiDoc
ArteryA type of blood vessel that specifically carries blood away from the heart.Subclass of: VesselSource: WikiDoc
ArticleAn article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report. Newspapers and magazines have articles of many different types and this is intended to cover them all.
<br/><br/>See also <a href="">blog post</a>Subclass of: CreativeWorkSource: rNews
AudienceIntended audience for an item, i.e. the group for whom the item was created.Subclass of: Intangible
MediaObjectAn image, video, or audio object embedded in a web page. Note that a creative work may have many media objects associated with it on the same web page. For example, a page about a single song (MusicRecording) may have a music video (VideoObject), and a high and low bandwidth audio stream (2 AudioObject's).Subclass of: CreativeWork
MedicalTestAny medical test, typically performed for diagnostic purposes.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
BloodTestA medical test performed on a sample of a patient's blood.Subclass of: MedicalTestSource: WikiDoc
LandformA landform or physical feature. Landform elements include mountains, plains, lakes, rivers, seascape and oceanic waterbody interface features such as bays, peninsulas, seas and so forth, including sub-aqueous terrain features such as submersed mountain ranges, volcanoes, and the great ocean basins.Subclass of: Place
BodyOfWaterA body of water, such as a sea, ocean, or lake.Subclass of: Landform
BoneRigid connective tissue that comprises up the skeletal structure of the human body.Subclass of: AnatomicalStructureSource: WikiDoc
BrainStructureAny anatomical structure which pertains to the soft nervous tissue functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.Subclass of: AnatomicalStructureSource: WikiDoc
EventAn event happening at a certain time and location, such as a concert, lecture, or festival. Ticketing information may be added via the 'offers' property. Repeated events may be structured as separate Event objects.Subclass of: Thing
BusinessEventEvent type: Business event.Subclass of: Event
CafeOrCoffeeShopA cafe or coffee shop.Subclass of: FoodEstablishment
CommentA comment on an item - for example, a comment on a blog post. The comment's content is expressed via the "text" property, and its topic via "about", properties shared with all CreativeWorks.Subclass of: CreativeWork
StructuredValueStructured values are strings—for example, addresses—that have certain constraints on their structure.Subclass of: Intangible
ContactPointA contact point—for example, a Customer Complaints department.Subclass of: StructuredValue
ContinentOne of the continents (for example, Europe or Africa).Subclass of: Landform
ConvenienceStoreA convenience store.Subclass of: Store
CorporationOrganization: A business corporation.Subclass of: OrganizationSource: rNews
MedicalIntangibleA utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things in the medical space.Subclass of: MedicalEntity
DDxElementAn alternative, closely-related condition typically considered later in the differential diagnosis process along with the signs that are used to distinguish it.Subclass of: MedicalIntangibleSource: WikiDoc
DanceEventEvent type: A social dance.Subclass of: Event
PerformingGroupA performance group, such as a band, an orchestra, or a circus.Subclass of: Organization
DanceGroupA dance group—for example, the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater or Riverdance.Subclass of: PerformingGroup
DateA date value in <a href=''>ISO 8601 date format</a>.Subclass of: DataType
DateTimeA combination of date and time of day in the form [-]CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] (see Chapter 5.4 of ISO 8601).Subclass of: DataType
DepartmentStoreA department store.Subclass of: Store
DiagnosticLabA medical laboratory that offers on-site or off-site diagnostic services.Subclass of: MedicalOrganization
MedicalProcedureA process of care used in either a diagnostic, therapeutic, or palliative capacity that relies on invasive (surgical), non-invasive, or percutaneous techniques.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
DiagnosticProcedureA medical procedure intended primarily for diagnostic, as opposed to therapeutic, purposes.Subclass of: MedicalProcedureSubclass of: MedicalTestSource: WikiDoc
MedicalTherapyAny medical intervention designed to prevent, treat, and cure human diseases and medical conditions, including both curative and palliative therapies. Medical therapies are typically processes of care relying upon pharmacotherapy, behavioral therapy, supportive therapy (with fluid or nutrition for example), or detoxification (e.g. hemodialysis) aimed at improving or preventing a health condition.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
LifestyleModificationA process of care involving exercise, changes to diet, fitness routines, and other lifestyle changes aimed at improving a health condition.Subclass of: MedicalTherapySource: WikiDoc
DietA strategy of regulating the intake of food to achieve or maintain a specific health-related goal.Subclass of: CreativeWorkSubclass of: LifestyleModificationSource: WikiDoc
DietarySupplementA product taken by mouth that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement the diet. Dietary ingredients may include vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandulars and metabolites.Subclass of: MedicalTherapySource: WikiDoc
QuantityQuantities such as distance, time, mass, weight, etc. Particular instances of say Mass are entities like '3 Kg' or '4 milligrams'.Subclass of: Intangible
DistanceProperties that take Distances as values are of the form '<Number> <Length unit of measure>'. E.g., '7 ft'Subclass of: Quantity
DoseScheduleA specific dosing schedule for a drug or supplement.Subclass of: MedicalIntangible
DrugA chemical or biologic substance, used as a medical therapy, that has a physiological effect on an organism.Subclass of: MedicalTherapySource: WikiDoc
DrugClassA class of medical drugs, e.g., statins. Classes can represent general pharmacological class, common mechanisms of action, common physiological effects, etc.Subclass of: MedicalTherapySource: WikiDoc
DrugCostThe cost per unit of a medical drug. Note that this type is not meant to represent the price in an offer of a drug for sale; see the Offer type for that. This type will typically be used to tag wholesale or average retail cost of a drug, or maximum reimbursable cost. Costs of medical drugs vary widely depending on how and where they are paid for, so while this type captures some of the variables, costs should be used with caution by consumers of this schema's markup.Subclass of: MedicalIntangible
MedicalEnumerationEnumerations related to health and the practice of medicine.Subclass of: MedicalIntangibleSubclass of: Enumeration
ReimbursementCapThe drug's cost represents the maximum reimbursement paid by an insurer for the drug.
RetailThe drug's cost represents the retail cost of the drug.
WholesaleThe drug's cost represents the wholesale acquisition cost of the drug.
DrugLegalStatusThe legal availability status of a medical drug.Subclass of: MedicalIntangibleSource: WikiDoc
DrugPregnancyCategoryCategories that represent an assessment of the risk of fetal injury due to a drug or pharmaceutical used as directed by the mother during pregnancy.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: Enumeration
FDAcategoryAA designation by the US FDA signifying that adequate and well-controlled studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy (and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters).
FDAcategoryBA designation by the US FDA signifying that animal reproduction studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
FDAcategoryCA designation by the US FDA signifying that animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.
FDAcategoryDA designation by the US FDA signifying that there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience or studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.
FDAcategoryXA designation by the US FDA signifying that studies in animals or humans have demonstrated fetal abnormalities and/or there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience, and the risks involved in use of the drug in pregnant women clearly outweigh potential benefits.
FDAnotEvaluatedA designation that the drug in question has not been assigned a pregnancy category designation by the US FDA.
DrugPrescriptionStatusIndicates whether this drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: Enumeration
OTCAvailable over the counter.
PrescriptionOnlyAvailable by prescription only.
DrugStrengthA specific strength in which a medical drug is available in a specific country.Subclass of: MedicalIntangibleSource: WikiDoc
PhysicalActivityAny bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. Includes activity that is part of daily living and routine, structured exercise, and exercise prescribed as part of a medical treatment or recovery plan.Subclass of: LifestyleModificationSource: WikiDoc
ExercisePlanFitness-related activity designed for a specific health-related purpose, including defined exercise routines as well as activity prescribed by a clinician.Subclass of: CreativeWorkSubclass of: PhysicalActivitySource: WikiDoc
ImagingTestAny medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes.Subclass of: MedicalTestSource: WikiDoc
InfectiousAgentClassClasses of agents or pathogens that transmit infectious diseases. Enumerated type.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: EnumerationSource: WikiDoc
BacteriaPathogenic bacteria that cause bacterial infection.
FungusPathogenic fungus.
MulticellularParasiteMulticellular parasite that causes an infection.
PrionA prion is an infectious agent composed of protein in a misfolded form.
ProtozoaSingle-celled organism that causes an infection.
VirusPathogenic virus that causes viral infection.
MedicalConditionAny condition of the human body that affects the normal functioning of a person, whether physically or mentally. Includes diseases, injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, etc.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
InfectiousDiseaseAn infectious disease is a clinically evident human disease resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, like pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and prions. To be considered an infectious disease, such pathogens are known to be able to cause this disease.Subclass of: MedicalConditionSource: WikiDoc
InternetCafeAn internet cafe.Subclass of: LocalBusiness
ItemAvailabilityA list of possible product availability options.Subclass of: Enumeration
DiscontinuedIndicates that the item has been discontinued.
InStockIndicates that the item is in stock.
InStoreOnlyIndicates that the item is available only at physical locations.
LimitedAvailabilityIndicates that the item has limited availability.
OnlineOnlyIndicates that the item is available only online.
OutOfStockIndicates that the item is out of stock.
PreOrderIndicates that the item is available for pre-order.
SoldOutIndicates that the item has sold out.
ItemListA list of items of any sort—for example, Top 10 Movies About Weathermen, or Top 100 Party Songs. Not to be confused with HTML lists, which are often used only for formatting.Subclass of: Intangible
A BreadcrumbList is an ItemList consisting of a chain of linked Web pages, typically described using at least their URL and their name, ending with the current page.Subclass of: ItemList
ItemPageA page devoted to a single item, such as a particular product or hotel.Subclass of: WebPage
LigamentA short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that functions to connect multiple bones, cartilages, and structurally support joints.Subclass of: AnatomicalStructureSource: WikiDoc
LiquorStoreA shop that sells alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer, whisky and other spirits.Subclass of: Store
MapCategoryTypeAn enumeration of several kinds of Map.Subclass of: Enumeration
ParkingMapA parking map.
SeatingMapA seating map.
VenueMapA venue map (e.g. for malls, auditoriums, museums, etc.).
TransitMapA transit map.
mapTypeIndicates the kind of Map, from the MapCategoryType Enumeration.Domain: MapRange: MapCategoryType
MassProperties that take Mass as values are of the form '<Number> <Mass unit of measure>'. E.g., '7 kg'Subclass of: Quantity
MaximumDoseScheduleThe maximum dosing schedule considered safe for a drug or supplement as recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.Subclass of: DoseSchedule
PeopleAudienceA set of characteristics belonging to people, e.g. who compose an item's target audience.Subclass of: Audience
ClinicianMedical clinicians, including practicing physicians and other medical professionals involved in clinical practice.
MedicalResearcherMedical researchers.
MedicalCauseThe causative agent(s) that are responsible for the pathophysiologic process that eventually results in a medical condition, symptom or sign. In this schema, unless otherwise specified this is meant to be the proximate cause of the medical condition, symptom or sign. The proximate cause is defined as the causative agent that most directly results in the medical condition, symptom or sign. For example, the HIV virus could be considered a cause of AIDS. Or in a diagnostic context, if a patient fell and sustained a hip fracture and two days later sustained a pulmonary embolism which eventuated in a cardiac arrest, the cause of the cardiac arrest (the proximate cause) would be the pulmonary embolism and not the fall. <p>Medical causes can include cardiovascular, chemical, dermatologic, endocrine, environmental, gastroenterologic, genetic, hematologic, gynecologic, iatrogenic, infectious, musculoskeletal, neurologic, nutritional, obstetric, oncologic, otolaryngologic, pharmacologic, psychiatric, pulmonary, renal, rheumatologic, toxic, traumatic, or urologic causes; medical conditions can be causes as well.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
MedicalConditionStageA stage of a medical condition, such as 'Stage IIIa'.Subclass of: MedicalIntangibleSource: WikiDoc
MedicalContraindicationA condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain medical therapy. Contraindications can be absolute (there are no reasonable circumstances for undertaking a course of action) or relative (the patient is at higher risk of complications, but that these risks may be outweighed by other considerations or mitigated by other measures).Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
MedicalDeviceAny object used in a medical capacity, such as to diagnose or treat a patient.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
MedicalDevicePurposeCategories of medical devices, organized by the purpose or intended use of the device.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: EnumerationSource: WikiDoc
DiagnosticA medical device used for diagnostic purposes.
TherapeuticA medical device used for therapeutic purposes.
MedicalEvidenceLevelLevel of evidence for a medical guideline. Enumerated type.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: EnumerationSource: WikiDoc
EvidenceLevelAData derived from multiple randomized clinical trials or meta-analyses.
EvidenceLevelBData derived from a single randomized trial, or nonrandomized studies.
EvidenceLevelCOnly consensus opinion of experts, case studies, or standard-of-care.
MedicalGuidelineAny recommendation made by a standard society (e.g. ACC/AHA) or consensus statement that denotes how to diagnose and treat a particular condition. Note: this type should be used to tag the actual guideline recommendation; if the guideline recommendation occurs in a larger scholarly article, use MedicalScholarlyArticle to tag the overall article, not this type. Note also: the organization making the recommendation should be captured in the recognizingAuthority base property of MedicalEntity.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
MedicalGuidelineContraindicationA guideline contraindication that designates a process as harmful and where quality of the data supporting the contraindication is sound.Subclass of: MedicalGuidelineSource: WikiDoc
MedicalGuidelineRecommendationA guideline recommendation that is regarded as efficacious and where quality of the data supporting the recommendation is sound.Subclass of: MedicalGuidelineSource: WikiDoc
MedicalImagingTechniqueAny medical imaging modality typically used for diagnostic purposes. Enumerated type.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: EnumerationSource: WikiDoc
CTX-ray computed tomography imaging.
MRIMagnetic resonance imaging.
PETPositron emission tomography imaging.
UltrasoundUltrasound imaging.
XRayX-ray imaging.
MedicalStudyA medical study is an umbrella type covering all kinds of research studies relating to human medicine or health, including observational studies and interventional trials and registries, randomized, controlled or not. When the specific type of study is known, use one of the extensions of this type, such as MedicalTrial or MedicalObservationalStudy. Also, note that this type should be used to mark up data that describes the study itself; to tag an article that publishes the results of a study, use MedicalScholarlyArticle. Note: use the code property of MedicalEntity to store study IDs, e.g. ID.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
MedicalObservationalStudyAn observational study is a type of medical study that attempts to infer the possible effect of a treatment through observation of a cohort of subjects over a period of time. In an observational study, the assignment of subjects into treatment groups versus control groups is outside the control of the investigator. This is in contrast with controlled studies, such as the randomized controlled trials represented by MedicalTrial, where each subject is randomly assigned to a treatment group or a control group before the start of the treatment.Subclass of: MedicalStudySource: WikiDoc
MedicalObservationalStudyDesignDesign models for observational medical studies. Enumerated type.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: EnumerationSource: WikiDoc
CaseSeriesA case series (also known as a clinical series) is a medical research study that tracks patients with a known exposure given similar treatment or examines their medical records for exposure and outcome. A case series can be retrospective or prospective and usually involves a smaller number of patients than the more powerful case-control studies or randomized controlled trials. Case series may be consecutive or non-consecutive, depending on whether all cases presenting to the reporting authors over a period of time were included, or only a selection.
CohortStudyAlso known as a panel study. A cohort study is a form of longitudinal study used in medicine and social science. It is one type of study design and should be compared with a cross-sectional study. A cohort is a group of people who share a common characteristic or experience within a defined period (e.g., are born, leave school, lose their job, are exposed to a drug or a vaccine, etc.). The comparison group may be the general population from which the cohort is drawn, or it may be another cohort of persons thought to have had little or no exposure to the substance under investigation, but otherwise similar. Alternatively, subgroups within the cohort may be compared with each other.
CrossSectionalStudies carried out on pre-existing data (usually from 'snapshot' surveys), such as that collected by the Census Bureau. Sometimes called Prevalence Studies.
LongitudinalUnlike cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies track the same people, and therefore the differences observed in those people are less likely to be the result of cultural differences across generations. Longitudinal studies are also used in medicine to uncover predictors of certain diseases.
ObservationalAn observational study design.
RegistryA registry-based study design.
MedicalProcedureTypeAn enumeration that describes different types of medical procedures.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: EnumerationSource: WikiDoc
NoninvasiveProcedureA type of medical procedure that involves noninvasive techniques.
PercutaneousProcedureA type of medical procedure that involves percutaneous techniques, where access to organs or tissue is achieved via needle-puncture of the skin. For example, catheter-based procedures like stent delivery.
SurgicalProcedureA type of medical procedure that involves invasive surgical techniques.
MedicalRiskEstimatorAny rule set or interactive tool for estimating the risk of developing a complication or condition.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
MedicalRiskCalculatorA complex mathematical calculation requiring an online calculator, used to assess prognosis. Note: use the url property of Thing to record any URLs for online calculators.Subclass of: MedicalRiskEstimatorSource: WikiDoc
MedicalRiskFactorA risk factor is anything that increases a person's likelihood of developing or contracting a disease, medical condition, or complication.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
MedicalRiskScoreA simple system that adds up the number of risk factors to yield a score that is associated with prognosis, e.g. CHAD score, TIMI risk score.Subclass of: MedicalRiskEstimatorSource: WikiDoc
MedicalScholarlyArticleA scholarly article in the medical domain.Subclass of: ScholarlyArticle
MedicalSignOrSymptomAny indication of the existence of a medical condition or disease.Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
MedicalSignAny physical manifestation of a person's medical condition discoverable by objective diagnostic tests or physical examination.Subclass of: MedicalSignOrSymptomSource: WikiDoc
SpecialtyAny branch of a field in which people typically develop specific expertise, usually after significant study, time, and effort.Subclass of: Enumeration
MedicalSpecialtyAny specific branch of medical science or practice. Medical specialities include clinical specialties that pertain to particular organ systems and their respective disease states, as well as allied health specialties. Enumerated type.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: EnumerationSubclass of: SpecialtySource: WikiDoc
AnesthesiaA specific branch of medical science that pertains to study of anesthetics and their application.
CardiovascularA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of heart and vasculature.
CommunityHealthCommunity health.
DermatologicA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of skin.
DietNutritionDiet and nutrition.
EmergencyA specific branch of medical science that is deals with the evaluation and initial treatment of medical conditions caused by trauma or sudden illness.
EndocrineA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of endocrine glands and their secretions.
GastroenterologicA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of digestive system.
GeneticA specific branch of medical science that pertains to hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics and disorders.
GeriatricA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, debilities and provision of care to the aged.
GynecologicA specific branch of medical science that pertains to the health care of women, particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the female reproductive system.
HematologicA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of blood and blood producing organs.
InfectiousA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections.
LaboratoryScienceLaboratory science.
MusculoskeletalA specific branch of medical science that pertains to diagnosis and treatment of disorders of muscles, ligaments and skeletal system.
NeurologicA specific branch of medical science that studies the nerves and nervous system and its respective disease states.
ObstetricA specific branch of medical science that specializes in the care of women during the prenatal and postnatal care and with the delivery of the child.
OccupationalTherapyOccupational therapy.
OncologicA specific branch of medical science that deals with benign and malignant tumors, including the study of their development, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
OtolaryngologicA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the ear, nose and throat and their respective disease states.
PathologyA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the study of the cause, origin and nature of a disease state, including its consequences as a result of manifestation of the disease. In clinical care, the term is used to designate a branch of medicine using laboratory tests to diagnose and determine the prognostic significance of illness.
PediatricA specific branch of medical science that specializes in the care of infants, children and adolescents.
PlasticSurgeryA specific branch of medical science that pertains to therapeutic or cosmetic repair or re-formation of missing, injured or malformed tissues or body parts by manual and instrumental means.
PrimaryCarePrimary care.
PsychiatricA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the study, treatment, and prevention of mental illness, using both medical and psychological therapies.
PublicHealthEnvironment and public health.
PulmonaryA specific branch of medical science that pertains to the study of the respiratory system and its respective disease states.
RenalA specific branch of medical science that pertains to the study of the kidneys and its respective disease states.
RespiratoryTherapyRespiratory therapy.
RheumatologicA specific branch of medical science that deals with the study and treatment of rheumatic, autoimmune or joint diseases.
SpeechPathologySpeech pathology.
SurgicalA specific branch of medical science that pertains to treating diseases, injuries and deformities by manual and instrumental means.
ToxicologicA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with poisons, their nature, effects and detection and involved in the treatment of poisoning.
UrologicA specific branch of medical science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases pertaining to the urinary tract and the urogenital system.
ActiveNotRecruitingActive, but not recruiting new participants.
EnrollingByInvitationEnrolling participants by invitation only.
NotYetRecruitingNot yet recruiting.
RecruitingRecruiting participants.
ResultsAvailableResults are available.
ResultsNotAvailableResults are not available.
MedicalSymptomAny indication of the existence of a medical condition or disease that is apparent to the patient.Subclass of: MedicalSignOrSymptomSource: WikiDoc
MedicalTestPanelAny collection of tests commonly ordered together.Subclass of: MedicalTestSource: WikiDoc
MedicalTrialA medical trial is a type of medical study that uses scientific process used to compare the safety and efficacy of medical therapies or medical procedures. In general, medical trials are controlled and subjects are allocated at random to the different treatment and/or control groups.Subclass of: MedicalStudySource: WikiDoc
DoubleBlindedTrialA trial design in which neither the researcher nor the patient knows the details of the treatment the patient was randomly assigned to.
InternationalTrialAn international trial.
MultiCenterTrialA trial that takes place at multiple centers.
OpenTrialA trial design in which the researcher knows the full details of the treatment, and so does the patient.
SingleBlindedTrialA trial design in which the researcher knows which treatment the patient was randomly assigned to but the patient does not.
SingleCenterTrialA trial that takes place at a single center.
TripleBlindedTrialA trial design in which neither the researcher, the person administering the therapy nor the patient knows the details of the treatment the patient was randomly assigned to.
MedicalWebPageA web page that provides medical information.Subclass of: WebPage
AyurvedicA system of medicine that originated in India over thousands of years and that focuses on integrating and balancing the body, mind, and spirit.
ChiropracticA system of medicine focused on the relationship between the body's structure, mainly the spine, and its functioning.
HomeopathicA system of medicine based on the principle that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people.
OsteopathicA system of medicine focused on promoting the body's innate ability to heal itself.
TraditionalChineseA system of medicine based on common theoretical concepts that originated in China and evolved over thousands of years, that uses herbs, acupuncture, exercise, massage, dietary therapy, and other methods to treat a wide range of conditions.
WesternConventionalThe conventional Western system of medicine, that aims to apply the best available evidence gained from the scientific method to clinical decision making. Also known as conventional or Western medicine.
MensClothingStoreA men's clothing store.Subclass of: Store
MiddleSchoolA middle school (typically for children aged around 11-14, although this varies somewhat).Subclass of: EducationalOrganization
MuscleA muscle is an anatomical structure consisting of a contractile form of tissue that animals use to effect movement.Subclass of: AnatomicalStructureSource: WikiDoc
NerveA common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons.Subclass of: AnatomicalStructureSource: WikiDoc
PalliativeProcedureA medical procedure intended primarily for palliative purposes, aimed at relieving the symptoms of an underlying health condition.Subclass of: MedicalProcedureSubclass of: MedicalTherapySource: WikiDoc
ParkingFacilityA parking lot or other parking facility.Subclass of: CivicStructure
PathologyTestA medical test performed by a laboratory that typically involves examination of a tissue sample by a pathologist.Subclass of: MedicalTestSource: WikiDoc
PawnShopA shop that will buy, or lend money against the security of, personal possessions.Subclass of: Store
PerformingArtsTheaterA theater or other performing art center.Subclass of: CivicStructure
PersonA person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).Subclass of: ThingSource: rNews
PhysicalActivityCategoryCategories of physical activity, organized by physiologic classification.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: EnumerationSource: WikiDoc
AerobicActivityPhysical activity of relatively low intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process; during activity, the aerobic metabolism uses oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise.
AnaerobicActivityPhysical activity that is of high-intensity which utilizes the anaerobic metabolism of the body.
BalancePhysical activity that is engaged to help maintain posture and balance.
FlexibilityPhysical activity that is engaged in to improve joint and muscle flexibility.
LeisureTimeActivityAny physical activity engaged in for recreational purposes. Examples may include ballroom dancing, roller skating, canoeing, fishing, etc.
OccupationalActivityAny physical activity engaged in for job-related purposes. Examples may include waiting tables, maid service, carrying a mailbag, picking fruits or vegetables, construction work, etc.
StrengthTrainingPhysical activity that is engaged in to improve muscle and bone strength. Also referred to as resistance training.
PhysicalExamA type of physical examination of a patient performed by a physician. Enumerated type.Subclass of: MedicalEnumerationSubclass of: EnumerationSource: WikiDoc
PhysicalTherapyA process of progressive physical care and rehabilitation aimed at improving a health condition.Subclass of: MedicalTherapySource: WikiDoc
PreventionIndicationAn indication for preventing an underlying condition, symptom, etc.Subclass of: MedicalIndicationSource: WikiDoc
ProductAny offered product or service. For example: a pair of shoes; a concert ticket; the rental of a car; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online.Subclass of: ThingSource: GoodRelationsProperties
PsychologicalTreatmentA process of care relying upon counseling, dialogue, communication, verbalization aimed at improving a mental health condition.Subclass of: MedicalTherapySource: WikiDoc
RecommendedDoseScheduleA recommended dosing schedule for a drug or supplement as prescribed or recommended by an authority or by the drug/supplement's manufacturer. Capture the recommending authority in the recognizingAuthority property of MedicalEntity.Subclass of: DoseSchedule
SuperficialAnatomyAnatomical features that can be observed by sight (without dissection), including the form and proportions of the human body as well as surface landmarks that correspond to deeper subcutaneous structures. Superficial anatomy plays an important role in sports medicine, phlebotomy, and other medical specialties as underlying anatomical structures can be identified through surface palpation. For example, during back surgery, superficial anatomy can be used to palpate and count vertebrae to find the site of incision. Or in phlebotomy, superficial anatomy can be used to locate an underlying vein; for example, the median cubital vein can be located by palpating the borders of the cubital fossa (such as the epicondyles of the humerus) and then looking for the superficial signs of the vein, such as size, prominence, ability to refill after depression, and feel of surrounding tissue support. As another example, in a subluxation (dislocation) of the glenohumeral joint, the bony structure becomes pronounced with the deltoid muscle failing to cover the glenohumeral joint allowing the edges of the scapula to be superficially visible. Here, the superficial anatomy is the visible edges of the scapula, implying the underlying dislocation of the joint (the related anatomical structure).Subclass of: MedicalEntitySource: WikiDoc
EpisodeA media episode (e.g. TV, radio, video game) which can be part of a series or season.Subclass of: CreativeWork
TVEpisodeA TV episode which can be part of a series or season.Subclass of: Episode
SeasonA media season e.g. tv, radio, video game etc.Subclass of: CreativeWork
TVSeasonSeason dedicated to TV broadcast and associated online delivery.Subclass of: CreativeWorkSubclass of: Season
A Series in is a group of related items, typically but not necessarily of the same kind.
Series are usually organized into some order, often chronological. Unlike <a href="/ItemList">ItemList</a> which
is a general purpose data structure for lists of things, the emphasis with Series
is on published materials (written e.g. books and periodicals, or media such as
tv, radio and games).
Specific subtypes are available for describing <a href="/TVSeries">TVSeries</a>, <a href="/RadioSeries">RadioSeries</a>,
<a href="/MovieSeries">MovieSeries</a>,
<a href="/BookSeries">BookSeries</a>,
<a href="/Periodical">Periodical</a>
and <a href="/VideoGameSeries">VideoGameSeries</a>. In each case,
the <a href="/hasPart">hasPart</a> / <a href="/isPartOf">isPartOf</a> properties
can be used to relate the Series to its parts. The general Series type serves largely
just to organize these more specific and practical subtypes.
It is common for properties applicable to an item from the series to be usefully applied to the containing group. attempts to anticipate some of these cases, but publishers should be free to apply
properties of the series parts to the series as a whole wherever they seem appropriate.
Subclass of: CreativeWork
TVSeriesSeries dedicated to TV broadcast and associated online delivery.Subclass of: CreativeWorkSubclass of: Series
VideoGameSeriesA <a href="/VideoGame">video game</a> series.Subclass of: Series
TheaterGroupA theater group or company, for example, the Royal Shakespeare Company or Druid Theatre.Subclass of: PerformingGroup
TherapeuticProcedureA medical procedure intended primarily for therapeutic purposes, aimed at improving a health condition.Subclass of: MedicalProcedureSubclass of: MedicalTherapySource: WikiDoc
TimeA point in time recurring on multiple days in the form hh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] (see <a href="">XML schema for details</a>).Subclass of: DataType
BrandA brand is a name used by an organization or business person for labeling a product, product group, or similar.Subclass of: IntangibleSource: GoodRelationsClass
BusinessEntityTypeA business entity type is a conceptual entity representing the legal form, the size, the main line of business, the position in the value chain, or any combination thereof, of an organization or business person.
Commonly used values:
Subclass of: EnumerationSource: GoodRelationsClass
BusinessFunctionThe business function specifies the type of activity or access (i.e., the bundle of rights) offered by the organization or business person through the offer. Typical are sell, rental or lease, maintenance or repair, manufacture / produce, recycle / dispose, engineering / construction, or installation. Proprietary specifications of access rights are also instances of this class.
Commonly used values:
Subclass of: EnumerationSource: GoodRelationsClass
PaymentMethodA payment method is a standardized procedure for transferring the monetary amount for a purchase. Payment methods are characterized by the legal and technical structures used, and by the organization or group carrying out the transaction.
Commonly used values:
Subclass of: EnumerationSource: GoodRelationsClass
CreditCardA credit or debit card type as a standardized procedure for transferring the monetary amount for a purchase.
Commonly used values:
Subclass of: PaymentMethodSource: GoodRelationsClass
DayOfWeekThe day of the week, e.g. used to specify to which day the opening hours of an OpeningHoursSpecification refer.
Commonly used values:
Subclass of: EnumerationSource: GoodRelationsClass
PriceSpecificationA structured value representing a monetary amount. Typically, only the subclasses of this type are used for markup.Subclass of: StructuredValueSource: GoodRelationsClass
DeliveryChargeSpecificationThe price for the delivery of an offer using a particular delivery method.Subclass of: PriceSpecificationSource: GoodRelationsClass
DeliveryMethodA delivery method is a standardized procedure for transferring the product or service to the destination of fulfillment chosen by the customer. Delivery methods are characterized by the means of transportation used, and by the organization or group that is the contracting party for the sending organization or person.
Commonly used values:
Subclass of: EnumerationSource: GoodRelationsClass
DemandA demand entity represents the public, not necessarily binding, not necessarily exclusive, announcement by an organization or person to seek a certain type of goods or services. For describing demand using this type, the very same properties used for Offer apply.Subclass of: IntangibleSource: GoodRelationsClass
IndividualProductA single, identifiable product instance (e.g. a laptop with a particular serial number).Subclass of: ProductSource: GoodRelationsClass
OpeningHoursSpecificationA structured value providing information about the opening hours of a place or a certain service inside a place.Subclass of: StructuredValueSource: GoodRelationsClass
OwnershipInfoA structured value providing information about when a certain organization or person owned a certain product.Subclass of: StructuredValueSource: GoodRelationsClass
ParcelServiceA private parcel service as the delivery mode available for a certain offer.
Commonly used values:
Subclass of: DeliveryMethodSource: GoodRelationsClass
PaymentChargeSpecificationThe costs of settling the payment using a particular payment method.Subclass of: PriceSpecificationSource: GoodRelationsClass
ProductModelA datasheet or vendor specification of a product (in the sense of a prototypical description).Subclass of: ProductSource: GoodRelationsClass
QualitativeValueA predefined value for a product characteristic, e.g. the the power cord plug type "US" or the garment sizes "S", "M", "L", and "XL"Subclass of: EnumerationSource: GoodRelationsClass
QuantitativeValue A point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes.Subclass of: StructuredValueSource: GoodRelationsClass
SomeProductsA placeholder for multiple similar products of the same kind.Subclass of: ProductSource: GoodRelationsClass
TypeAndQuantityNodeA structured value indicating the quantity, unit of measurement, and business function of goods included in a bundle offer.Subclass of: StructuredValueSource: GoodRelationsClass
UnitPriceSpecificationThe price asked for a given offer by the respective organization or person.Subclass of: PriceSpecificationSource: GoodRelationsClass
WarrantyPromiseA structured value representing the duration and scope of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.Subclass of: StructuredValueSource: GoodRelationsClass
WarrantyScopeA range of of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of a product.
Commonly used values:
Subclass of: EnumerationSource: GoodRelationsClass
ParentAudienceA set of characteristics describing parents, who can be interested in viewing some contentSubclass of: PeopleAudience
AlignmentObjectAn intangible item that describes an alignment between a learning resource and a node in an educational framework.Subclass of: IntangibleSource: LRMIClass
DatasetA body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest.Subclass of: CreativeWorkSource: DatasetClass
ClassA class, also often called a 'Type'; equivalent to rdfs:Class.Subclass of: Intangible
PropertyA property, used to indicate attributes and relationships of some Thing; equivalent to rdf:Property.Subclass of: Intangible
PublicationEventA PublicationEvent corresponds indifferently to the event of publication for a CreativeWork of any type e.g. a broadcast event, an on-demand event, a book/journal publication via a variety of delivery media.Subclass of: Event
BroadcastEventAn over the air or online broadcast event.Subclass of: PublicationEvent
BroadcastServiceA delivery service through which content is provided via broadcast over the air or online.Subclass of: Thing
ClipA short TV or radio program or a segment/part of a program.Subclass of: CreativeWork
OnDemandEventA publication event e.g. catch-up TV or radio podcast, during which a program is available on-demand.Subclass of: PublicationEvent
RadioClipA short radio program or a segment/part of a radio program.Subclass of: Clip
RadioEpisodeA radio episode which can be part of a series or season.Subclass of: Episode
RadioSeasonSeason dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery.Subclass of: Season
RadioSeriesSeries dedicated to radio broadcast and associated online delivery.Subclass of: Series
TVClipA short TV program or a segment/part of a TV program.Subclass of: Clip
BusinessAudienceA set of characteristics belonging to businesses, e.g. who compose an item's target audience.Subclass of: Audience
ContactPointOptionEnumerated options related to a ContactPointSubclass of: Enumeration
HearingImpairedSupportedUses devices to support users with hearing impairments.
TollFreeThe associated telephone number is toll free.
PermitA permit issued by an organization, e.g. a parking pass.Subclass of: Intangible
GovernmentPermitA permit issued by a government agency.Subclass of: Permit
ServiceA service provided by an organization, e.g. delivery service, print services, etc.Subclass of: Intangible
GovernmentServiceA service provided by a government organization, e.g. food stamps, veterans benefits, etc.Subclass of: Service
ServiceChannelA means for accessing a service, e.g. a government office location, web site, or phone number.Subclass of: Intangible
EventStatusTypeEventStatusType is an enumeration type whose instances represent several states that an Event may be in.Subclass of: Enumeration
EventCancelledThe event has been cancelled. If the event has multiple startDate values, all are assumed to be cancelled. Either startDate or previousStartDate may be used to specify the event's cancelled date(s).
EventPostponedThe event has been postponed and no new date has been set. The event's previousStartDate should be set.
EventRescheduledThe event has been rescheduled. The event's previousStartDate should be set to the old date and the startDate should be set to the event's new date. (If the event has been rescheduled multiple times, the previousStartDate property may be repeated.)
EventScheduledThe event is taking place or has taken place on the startDate as scheduled. Use of this value is optional, as it is assumed by default.
DeliveryEventAn event involving the delivery of an item.Subclass of: Event
LockerDeliveryA DeliveryMethod in which an item is made available via locker.Subclass of: DeliveryMethod
OnSitePickupA DeliveryMethod in which an item is collected on site, e.g. in a store or at a box office.
OrderAn order is a confirmation of a transaction (a receipt), which can contain multiple line items, each represented by an Offer that has been accepted by the customer.Subclass of: Intangible
OrderStatusEnumerated status values for Order.Subclass of: Enumeration
OrderCancelledOrderStatus representing cancellation of an order.
OrderDeliveredOrderStatus representing successful delivery of an order.
OrderInTransitOrderStatus representing that an order is in transit.
OrderPaymentDueOrderStatus representing that payment is due on an order.
OrderPickupAvailableOrderStatus representing availability of an order for pickup.
OrderProblemOrderStatus representing that there is a problem with the order.
OrderProcessingOrderStatus representing that an order is being processed.
OrderReturnedOrderStatus representing that an order has been returned.
ParcelDeliveryThe delivery of a parcel either via the postal service or a commercial service.Subclass of: Intangible
ActionAn action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object. Optionally happens at a location with the help of an inanimate instrument. The execution of the action may produce a result. Specific action sub-type documentation specifies the exact expectation of each argument/role.
<br/><br/>See also <a href="">blog post</a>
and <a href="">Actions overview document.</a>Subclass of: ThingSource: Action collaborations
OrganizeActionThe act of manipulating/administering/supervising/controlling one or more objects.Subclass of: Action
AllocateActionThe act of organizing tasks/objects/events by associating resources to it.Subclass of: OrganizeAction
AcceptActionThe act of committing to/adopting an object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">RejectAction</a>: The antagonym of AcceptAction.</li></ul>Subclass of: AllocateAction
AchieveActionThe act of accomplishing something via previous efforts. It is an instantaneous action rather than an ongoing process.Subclass of: Action
UpdateActionThe act of managing by changing/editing the state of the object.Subclass of: Action
AddActionThe act of editing by adding an object to a collection.Subclass of: UpdateAction
AssessActionThe act of forming one's opinion, reaction or sentiment.Subclass of: Action
ReactActionThe act of responding instinctively and emotionally to an object, expressing a sentiment.Subclass of: AssessAction
AgreeActionThe act of expressing a consistency of opinion with the object. An agent agrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.Subclass of: ReactAction
InsertActionThe act of adding at a specific location in an ordered collection.Subclass of: AddAction
AppendActionThe act of inserting at the end if an ordered collection.Subclass of: InsertAction
ApplyActionThe act of registering to an organization/service without the guarantee to receive it. NOTE(goto): should this be under InteractAction instead?<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">RegisterAction</a>: Unlike RegisterAction, ApplyAction has no guarantees that the application will be accepted.</li></ul>Subclass of: OrganizeAction
MoveActionThe act of an agent relocating to a place.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">TransferAction</a>: Unlike TransferAction, the subject of the move is a living Person or Organization rather than an inanimate object.</li></ul>Subclass of: Action
ArriveActionThe act of arriving at a place. An agent arrives at a destination from an fromLocation, optionally with participants.Subclass of: MoveAction
InteractActionThe act of interacting with another person or organization.Subclass of: Action
CommunicateActionThe act of conveying information to another person via a communication medium (instrument) such as speech, email, or telephone conversation.Subclass of: InteractAction
AskActionThe act of posing a question / favor to someone.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">ReplyAction</a>: Appears generally as a response to AskAction.</li></ul>Subclass of: CommunicateAction
AssignActionThe act of allocating an action/event/task to some destination (someone or something).Subclass of: AllocateAction
AuthorizeActionThe act of granting permission to an object.Subclass of: AllocateAction
BefriendActionThe act of forming a personal connection with someone (object) mutually/bidirectionally/symmetrically.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, BefriendAction implies that the connection is reciprocal.</li></ul>Subclass of: InteractAction
BookmarkActionAn agent bookmarks/flags/labels/tags/marks an object.Subclass of: OrganizeAction
TransferActionThe act of transferring/moving (abstract or concrete) animate or inanimate objects from one place to another.Subclass of: Action
BorrowActionThe act of obtaining an object under an agreement to return it at a later date. Reciprocal of LendAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">LendAction</a>: Reciprocal of BorrowAction.</li></ul>Subclass of: TransferAction
TradeActionThe act of participating in an exchange of goods and services for monetary compensation. An agent trades an object, product or service with a participant in exchange for a one time or periodic payment.Subclass of: Action
BuyActionThe act of giving money to a seller in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent buys an object, product, or service from a seller for a price. Reciprocal of SellAction.Subclass of: TradeAction
PlanActionThe act of planning the execution of an event/task/action/reservation/plan to a future date.Subclass of: OrganizeAction
CancelActionThe act of asserting that a future event/action is no longer going to happen.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">ConfirmAction</a>: The antagonym of CancelAction.</li></ul>Subclass of: PlanAction
FindActionThe act of finding an object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">SearchAction</a>: FindAction is generally lead by a SearchAction, but not necessarily.</li></ul>Subclass of: Action
CheckActionAn agent inspects/determines/investigates/inquire or examine an object's accuracy/quality/condition or state.Subclass of: FindAction
CheckInActionThe act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their arrival by registering/confirming for a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check in) or at a place (e.g. hotel), possibly resulting in a result (boarding pass, etc).<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">CheckOutAction</a>: The antagonym of CheckInAction.</li><li><a href="">ArriveAction</a>: Unlike ArriveAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the start of a previously reserved service.</li><li><a href="">ConfirmAction</a>: Unlike ConfirmAction, CheckInAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the *start* of a previously reserved service rather than its validity/existence.</li></ul>Subclass of: CommunicateAction
CheckOutActionThe act of an agent communicating (service provider, social media, etc) their departure of a previously reserved service (e.g. flight check in) or place (e.g. hotel).<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">CheckInAction</a>: The antagonym of CheckOutAction.</li><li><a href="">DepartAction</a>: Unlike DepartAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.</li><li><a href="">CancelAction</a>: Unlike CancelAction, CheckOutAction implies that the agent is informing/confirming the end of a previously reserved service.</li></ul>Subclass of: CommunicateAction
ChooseActionThe act of expressing a preference from a set of options or a large or unbounded set of choices/options.Subclass of: AssessAction
CommentActionThe act of generating a comment about a subject.Subclass of: CommunicateAction
InformActionThe act of notifying someone of information pertinent to them, with no expectation of a response.Subclass of: CommunicateAction
ConfirmActionThe act of notifying someone that a future event/action is going to happen as expected.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">CancelAction</a>: The antagonym of ConfirmAction.</li></ul>Subclass of: InformAction
ConsumeActionThe act of ingesting information/resources/food.Subclass of: Action
CreateActionThe act of deliberately creating/producing/generating/building a result out of the agent.Subclass of: Action
CookActionThe act of producing/preparing food.Subclass of: CreateAction
DeleteActionThe act of editing a recipient by removing one of its objects.Subclass of: UpdateAction
DepartActionThe act of departing from a place. An agent departs from an fromLocation for a destination, optionally with participants.Subclass of: MoveAction
DisagreeActionThe act of expressing a difference of opinion with the object. An agent disagrees to/about an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.Subclass of: ReactAction
DiscoverActionThe act of discovering/finding an object.Subclass of: FindAction
DislikeActionThe act of expressing a negative sentiment about the object. An agent dislikes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.Subclass of: ReactAction
DonateActionThe act of providing goods, services, or money without compensation, often for philanthropic reasons.Subclass of: TradeAction
DownloadActionThe act of downloading an object.Subclass of: TransferAction
DrawActionThe act of producing a visual/graphical representation of an object, typically with a pen/pencil and paper as instruments.Subclass of: CreateAction
DrinkActionThe act of swallowing liquids.Subclass of: ConsumeAction
EatActionThe act of swallowing solid objects.Subclass of: ConsumeAction
EndorseActionAn agent approves/certifies/likes/supports/sanction an object.Subclass of: ReactAction
ControlActionAn agent controls a device or application.Subclass of: Action
ActivateActionThe act of starting or activating a device or application (e.g. starting a timer or turning on a flashlight).Subclass of: ControlAction
DeactivateActionThe act of stopping or deactivating a device or application (e.g. stopping a timer or turning off a flashlight).Subclass of: ControlAction
ResumeActionThe act of resuming a device or application which was formerly paused (e.g. resume music playback or resume a timer).Subclass of: ControlAction
SuspendActionThe act of momentarily pausing a device or application (e.g. pause music playback or pause a timer).Subclass of: ControlAction
PlayActionThe act of playing/exercising/training/performing for enjoyment, leisure, recreation, Competition or exercise.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">ListenAction</a>: Unlike ListenAction (which is under ConsumeAction), PlayAction refers to performing for an audience or at an event, rather than consuming music.</li><li><a href="">WatchAction</a>: Unlike WatchAction (which is under ConsumeAction), PlayAction refers to showing/displaying for an audience or at an event, rather than consuming visual content.</li></ul>Subclass of: Action
ExerciseActionThe act of participating in exertive activity for the purposes of improving health and fitnessSubclass of: PlayAction
FilmActionThe act of capturing sound and moving images on film, video, or digitally.Subclass of: CreateAction
FollowActionThe act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates polled from.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">BefriendAction</a>: Unlike BefriendAction, FollowAction implies that the connection is *not* necessarily reciprocal.</li><li><a href="">SubscribeAction</a>: Unlike SubscribeAction, FollowAction implies that the follower acts as an active agent constantly/actively polling for updates.</li><li><a href="">RegisterAction</a>: Unlike RegisterAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.</li><li><a href="">JoinAction</a>: Unlike JoinAction, FollowAction implies that the agent is interested in getting updates from the object.</li><li><a href="">TrackAction</a>: Unlike TrackAction, FollowAction refers to the polling of updates of all aspects of animate objects rather than the location of inanimate objects (e.g. you track a package, but you don't follow it).</li></ul>Subclass of: InteractAction
GiveActionThe act of transferring ownership of an object to a destination. Reciprocal of TakeAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">TakeAction</a>: Reciprocal of GiveAction.</li><li><a href="">SendAction</a>: Unlike SendAction, GiveAction implies that ownership is being transferred (e.g. I may send my laptop to you, but that doesn't mean I'm giving it to you).</li></ul>Subclass of: TransferAction
IgnoreActionThe act of intentionally disregarding the object. An agent ignores an object.Subclass of: AssessAction
InstallActionThe act of installing an application.Subclass of: ConsumeAction
InviteActionThe act of asking someone to attend an event. Reciprocal of RsvpAction.Subclass of: CommunicateAction
JoinActionAn agent joins an event/group with participants/friends at a location.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">RegisterAction</a>: Unlike RegisterAction, JoinAction refers to joining a group/team of people.</li><li><a href="">SubscribeAction</a>: Unlike SubscribeAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be receiving updates.</li><li><a href="">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, JoinAction does not imply that you'll be polling for updates.</li></ul>Subclass of: InteractAction
LeaveActionAn agent leaves an event / group with participants/friends at a location.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">JoinAction</a>: The antagonym of LeaveAction.</li><li><a href="">UnRegisterAction</a>: Unlike UnRegisterAction, LeaveAction implies leaving a group/team of people rather than a service.</li></ul>Subclass of: InteractAction
LendActionThe act of providing an object under an agreement that it will be returned at a later date. Reciprocal of BorrowAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">BorrowAction</a>: Reciprocal of LendAction.</li></ul>Subclass of: TransferAction
LikeActionThe act of expressing a positive sentiment about the object. An agent likes an object (a proposition, topic or theme) with participants.Subclass of: ReactAction
ListenActionThe act of consuming audio content.Subclass of: ConsumeAction
LoseActionThe act of being defeated in a competitive activity.Subclass of: AchieveAction
MarryActionThe act of marrying a person.Subclass of: InteractAction
OrderActionAn agent orders an object/product/service to be delivered/sent.Subclass of: TradeAction
PaintActionThe act of producing a painting, typically with paint and canvas as instruments.Subclass of: CreateAction
PayActionAn agent pays a price to a participant.Subclass of: TradeAction
PerformActionThe act of participating in performance arts.Subclass of: PlayAction
PhotographActionThe act of capturing still images of objects using a camera.Subclass of: CreateAction
PrependActionThe act of inserting at the beginning if an ordered collection.Subclass of: InsertAction
QuoteActionAn agent quotes/estimates/appraises an object/product/service with a price at a location/store.Subclass of: TradeAction
ReadActionThe act of consuming written content.Subclass of: ConsumeAction
ReceiveActionThe act of physically/electronically taking delivery of an object thathas been transferred from an origin to a destination. Reciprocal of SendAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">SendAction</a>: The reciprocal of ReceiveAction.</li><li><a href="">TakeAction</a>: Unlike TakeAction, ReceiveAction does not imply that the ownership has been transfered (e.g. I can receive a package, but it does not mean the package is now mine).</li></ul>Subclass of: TransferAction
RegisterActionThe act of registering to be a user of a service, product or web page.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">JoinAction</a>: Unlike JoinAction, RegisterAction implies you are registering to be a user of a service, *not* a group/team of people.</li><li><a href="">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, RegisterAction doesn't imply that the agent is expecting to poll for updates from the object.</li><li><a href="">SubscribeAction</a>: Unlike SubscribeAction, RegisterAction doesn't imply that the agent is expecting updates from the object.</li></ul>Subclass of: InteractAction
RejectActionThe act of rejecting to/adopting an object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">AcceptAction</a>: The antagonym of RejectAction.</li></ul>Subclass of: AllocateAction
RentActionThe act of giving money in return for temporary use, but not ownership, of an object such as a vehicle or property. For example, an agent rents a property from a landlord in exchange for a periodic payment.Subclass of: TradeAction
ReplaceActionThe act of editing a recipient by replacing an old object with a new object.Subclass of: UpdateAction
ReplyActionThe act of responding to a question/message asked/sent by the object. Related to <a href="AskAction">AskAction</a>.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">AskAction</a>: Appears generally as an origin of a ReplyAction.</li></ul>Subclass of: CommunicateAction
ReserveActionReserving a concrete object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">ScheduleAction</a>: Unlike ScheduleAction, ReserveAction reserves concrete objects (e.g. a table, a hotel) towards a time slot / spatial allocation.</li></ul>Subclass of: PlanAction
ReturnActionThe act of returning to the origin that which was previously received (concrete objects) or taken (ownership).Subclass of: TransferAction
ReviewActionThe act of producing a balanced opinion about the object for an audience. An agent reviews an object with participants resulting in a review.Subclass of: AssessAction
RsvpActionThe act of notifying an event organizer as to whether you expect to attend the event.Subclass of: InformAction
additionalNumberOfGuestsIf responding yes, the number of guests who will attend in addition to the invitee.Domain: RsvpActionRange: Number
RsvpResponseTypeRsvpResponseType is an enumeration type whose instances represent responding to an RSVP request.Subclass of: Enumeration
RsvpResponseYesThe invitee will attend.
RsvpResponseNoThe invitee will not attend.
RsvpResponseMaybeThe invitee may or may not attend.
ScheduleActionScheduling future actions, events, or tasks.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">ReserveAction</a>: Unlike ReserveAction, ScheduleAction allocates future actions (e.g. an event, a task, etc) towards a time slot / spatial allocation.</li></ul>Subclass of: PlanAction
SearchActionThe act of searching for an object.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">FindAction</a>: SearchAction generally leads to a FindAction, but not necessarily.</li></ul>Subclass of: Action
SellActionThe act of taking money from a buyer in exchange for goods or services rendered. An agent sells an object, product, or service to a buyer for a price. Reciprocal of BuyAction.Subclass of: TradeAction
SendActionThe act of physically/electronically dispatching an object for transfer from an origin to a destination.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">ReceiveAction</a>: The reciprocal of SendAction.</li><li><a href="">GiveAction</a>: Unlike GiveAction, SendAction does not imply the transfer of ownership (e.g. I can send you my laptop, but I'm not necessarily giving it to you).</li></ul>Subclass of: TransferAction
ShareActionThe act of distributing content to people for their amusement or edification.Subclass of: CommunicateAction
SubscribeActionThe act of forming a personal connection with someone/something (object) unidirectionally/asymmetrically to get updates pushed to.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, SubscribeAction implies that the subscriber acts as a passive agent being constantly/actively pushed for updates.</li><li><a href="">RegisterAction</a>: Unlike RegisterAction, SubscribeAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.</li><li><a href="">JoinAction</a>: Unlike JoinAction, SubscribeAction implies that the agent is interested in continuing receiving updates from the object.</li></ul>Subclass of: InteractAction
TakeActionThe act of gaining ownership of an object from an origin. Reciprocal of GiveAction.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">GiveAction</a>: The reciprocal of TakeAction.</li><li><a href="">ReceiveAction</a>: Unlike ReceiveAction, TakeAction implies that ownership has been transfered.</li></ul>Subclass of: TransferAction
TieActionThe act of reaching a draw in a competitive activity.Subclass of: AchieveAction
TipActionThe act of giving money voluntarily to a beneficiary in recognition of services rendered.Subclass of: TradeAction
TrackActionAn agent tracks an object for updates.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">FollowAction</a>: Unlike FollowAction, TrackAction refers to the interest on the location of innanimates objects.</li><li><a href="">SubscribeAction</a>: Unlike SubscribeAction, TrackAction refers to the interest on the location of innanimate objects.</li></ul>Subclass of: FindAction
TravelActionThe act of traveling from an fromLocation to a destination by a specified mode of transport, optionally with participants.Subclass of: MoveAction
UnRegisterActionThe act of un-registering from a service.<p>Related actions:</p><ul><li><a href="">RegisterAction</a>: Antagonym of UnRegisterAction.</li><li><a href="">Leave</a>: Unlike LeaveAction, UnRegisterAction implies that you are unregistering from a service you werer previously registered, rather than leaving a team/group of people.</li></ul>Subclass of: InteractAction
UseActionThe act of applying an object to its intended purpose.Subclass of: ConsumeAction
ViewActionThe act of consuming static visual content.Subclass of: ConsumeAction
VoteActionThe act of expressing a preference from a fixed/finite/structured set of choices/options.Subclass of: ChooseAction
WantActionThe act of expressing a desire about the object. An agent wants an object.Subclass of: ReactAction
WatchActionThe act of consuming dynamic/moving visual content.Subclass of: ConsumeAction
WearActionThe act of dressing oneself in clothing.Subclass of: UseAction
WinActionThe act of achieving victory in a competitive activity.Subclass of: AchieveAction
WriteActionThe act of authoring written creative content.Subclass of: CreateAction
acceptedOfferThe offer(s) -- e.g., product, quantity and price combinations -- included in the order.Domain: OrderRange: Offer
acceptedPaymentMethodThe payment method(s) accepted by seller for this offer.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: PaymentMethod
acceptsReservationsIndicates whether a FoodEstablishment accepts reservations. Values can be Boolean, an URL at which reservations can be made or (for backwards compatibility) the strings <code>Yes</code> or <code>No</code>.Domain: FoodEstablishmentRange: TextRange: URLRange: Boolean
accessCodePassword, PIN, or access code needed for delivery (e.g. from a locker).Domain: DeliveryEventRange: Text
accessibilityAPIIndicates that the resource is compatible with the referenced accessibility API (<a href="">WebSchemas wiki lists possible values</a>).
Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
accessibilityControlIdentifies input methods that are sufficient to fully control the described resource (<a href="">WebSchemas wiki lists possible values</a>).Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
accessibilityFeatureContent features of the resource, such as accessible media, alternatives and supported enhancements for accessibility (<a href="">WebSchemas wiki lists possible values</a>).Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
accessibilityHazardA characteristic of the described resource that is physiologically dangerous to some users. Related to WCAG 2.0 guideline 2.3. (<a href="">WebSchemas wiki lists possible values</a>)Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
accountablePersonSpecifies the Person that is legally accountable for the CreativeWork.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Person
acquiredFromThe organization or person from which the product was acquired.Domain: OwnershipInfoRange: OrganizationRange: Person
actionThe movement the muscle generates.Domain: MuscleRange: Text
muscleActionThe movement the muscle generates.Domain: MuscleRange: Text
activeIngredientAn active ingredient, typically chemical compounds and/or biologic substances.Domain: DietarySupplementDomain: DrugDomain: DrugStrengthRange: Text
activityDurationLength of time to engage in the activity.Domain: ExercisePlanRange: Duration
activityFrequencyHow often one should engage in the activity.Domain: ExercisePlanRange: Text
additionalNameAn additional name for a Person, can be used for a middle name.Domain: PersonRange: Text
additionalTypeAn additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. In RDFa syntax, it is better to use the native RDFa syntax - the 'typeof' attribute - for multiple types. tools may have only weaker understanding of extra types, in particular those defined externally.Domain: ThingRange: URL
additionalVariableAny additional component of the exercise prescription that may need to be articulated to the patient. This may include the order of exercises, the number of repetitions of movement, quantitative distance, progressions over time, etc.Domain: ExercisePlanRange: Text
addOnAn additional offer that can only be obtained in combination with the first base offer (e.g. supplements and extensions that are available for a surcharge).Domain: OfferRange: Offer
addressCountryThe country. For example, USA. You can also provide the two-letter <a href=''>ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code</a>.Domain: PostalAddressRange: Country
addressLocalityThe locality. For example, Mountain View.Domain: PostalAddressRange: Text
addressRegionThe region. For example, CA.Domain: PostalAddressRange: Text
administrationRouteA route by which this drug may be administered, e.g. 'oral'.Domain: DrugRange: Text
advanceBookingRequirementThe amount of time that is required between accepting the offer and the actual usage of the resource or service.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: QuantitativeValue
adverseOutcomeA possible complication and/or side effect of this therapy. If it is known that an adverse outcome is serious (resulting in death, disability, or permanent damage; requiring hospitalization; or is otherwise life-threatening or requires immediate medical attention), tag it as a seriouseAdverseOutcome instead.Domain: MedicalTherapyDomain: MedicalDeviceRange: MedicalEntity
affectedByDrugs that affect the test's results.Domain: MedicalTestRange: Drug
affiliationAn organization that this person is affiliated with. For example, a school/university, a club, or a team.Domain: PersonRange: Organization
agentThe direct performer or driver of the action (animate or inanimate). e.g. *John* wrote a book.Domain: ActionRange: OrganizationRange: Person
alcoholWarningAny precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to consumption of alcohol while taking this drug.Domain: DrugRange: Text
algorithmThe algorithm or rules to follow to compute the score.Domain: MedicalRiskScoreRange: Text
alignmentTypeA category of alignment between the learning resource and the framework node. Recommended values include: 'assesses', 'teaches', 'requires', 'textComplexity', 'readingLevel', 'educationalSubject', and 'educationLevel'.Domain: AlignmentObjectRange: Text
alternateNameAn alias for the item.Domain: ThingRange: Text
alternativeHeadlineA secondary title of the CreativeWork.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
applicationCategoryType of software application, e.g. "Game, Multimedia".Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: TextRange: URL
applicationSubCategorySubcategory of the application, e.g. "Arcade Game".Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: TextRange: URL
applicationSuiteThe name of the application suite to which the application belongs (e.g. Excel belongs to Office)Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: Text
areaThe area within which users can expect to reach the broadcast service.Domain: BroadcastServiceRange: Place
areaServedThe location served by this contact point (e.g., a phone number intended for Europeans vs. North Americans or only within the United States.)Domain: ContactPointRange: AdministrativeArea
arterialBranchThe branches that comprise the arterial structure.Domain: ArteryRange: AnatomicalStructure
articleBodyThe actual body of the article.Domain: ArticleRange: Text
articleSectionArticles may belong to one or more 'sections' in a magazine or newspaper, such as Sports, Lifestyle, etc.Domain: ArticleRange: Text
aspectAn aspect of medical practice that is considered on the page, such as 'diagnosis', 'treatment', 'causes', 'prognosis', 'etiology', 'epidemiology', etc.Domain: MedicalWebPageRange: Text
assemblyLibrary file name e.g., mscorlib.dll, system.web.dllDomain: APIReferenceRange: Text
assemblyVersionAssociated product/technology version. e.g., .NET Framework 4.5Domain: APIReferenceRange: Text
associatedArticleA NewsArticle associated with the Media Object.Domain: MediaObjectRange: NewsArticle
associatedMediaA media object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for encoding.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: MediaObject
associatedPathophysiologyIf applicable, a description of the pathophysiology associated with the anatomical system, including potential abnormal changes in the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of the system.Domain: AnatomicalStructureDomain: AnatomicalSystemDomain: SuperficialAnatomyRange: Text
audienceThe intended audience of the item, i.e. the group for whom the item was created.Domain: CreativeWorkDomain: ProductDomain: PlayActionRange: Audience
audienceTypeThe target group associated with a given audience (e.g. veterans, car owners, musicians, etc.)
domain: Audience
Range: Text
Domain: AudienceRange: Text
authorThe author of this content. Please note that author is special in that HTML 5 provides a special mechanism for indicating authorship via the rel tag. That is equivalent to this and may be used interchangeably.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: OrganizationRange: Person
availabilityThe availability of this item—for example In stock, Out of stock, Pre-order, etc.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: ItemAvailability
availabilityEndsThe end of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: DateTime
availabilityStartsThe beginning of the availability of the product or service included in the offer.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: DateTime
availableAtOrFromThe place(s) from which the offer can be obtained (e.g. store locations).Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: Place
availableChannelA means of accessing the service (e.g. a phone bank, a web site, a location, etc.)Domain: ServiceRange: ServiceChannel
availableDeliveryMethodThe delivery method(s) available for this offer.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: DeliveryMethod
availableFromWhen the item is available for pickup from the store, locker, etc.Domain: DeliveryEventRange: DateTime
availableStrengthAn available dosage strength for the drug.Domain: DrugRange: DrugStrength
availableTestA diagnostic test or procedure offered by this lab.Domain: DiagnosticLabRange: MedicalTest
availableThroughAfter this date, the item will no longer be available for pickup.Domain: DeliveryEventRange: DateTime
awardAn award won by this person or for this creative work.Domain: CreativeWorkDomain: PersonRange: Text
awardsAwards won by this person or for this creative work.Domain: CreativeWorkDomain: PersonRange: Text
backgroundDescriptive information establishing a historical perspective on the supplement. May include the rationale for the name, the population where the supplement first came to prominence, etc.Domain: DietarySupplementRange: Text
benefitsDescription of benefits associated with the job.Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
bestRatingThe highest value allowed in this rating system. If bestRating is omitted, 5 is assumed.Domain: RatingRange: NumberRange: Text
billingAddressThe billing address for the order.Domain: OrderRange: PostalAddress
billingIncrementThis property specifies the minimal quantity and rounding increment that will be the basis for the billing. The unit of measurement is specified by the unitCode property.Domain: UnitPriceSpecificationRange: Number
biomechnicalClassThe biomechanical properties of the bone.Domain: JointRange: Text
borrowerA sub property of participant. The person that borrows the object being lent.Domain: LendActionRange: Person
boxA polygon is the area enclosed by a point-to-point path for which the starting and ending points are the same. A polygon is expressed as a series of four or more space delimited points where the first and final points are identical.Domain: GeoShapeRange: Text
branchOfThe larger organization that this local business is a branch of, if any.Domain: LocalBusinessRange: Organization
brandThe brand(s) associated with a product or service, or the brand(s) maintained by an organization or business person.Domain: OrganizationDomain: PersonDomain: ProductRange: BrandRange: Organization
breadcrumbA set of links that can help a user understand and navigate a website hierarchy.Domain: WebPageRange: TextRange: BreadcrumbList
breastfeedingWarningAny precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to this drug's use by breastfeeding mothers.Domain: DrugRange: Text
broadcasterThe organization owning or operating the broadcast service.Domain: BroadcastServiceRange: Organization
browserRequirementsSpecifies browser requirements in human-readable text. For example,"requires HTML5 support".Domain: WebApplicationRange: Text
businessFunctionThe business function (e.g. sell, lease, repair, dispose) of the offer or component of a bundle (TypeAndQuantityNode). The default is OfferDomain: DemandDomain: TypeAndQuantityNodeRange: BusinessFunction
buyerA sub property of participant. The participant/person/organization that bought the object.Domain: SellActionRange: Person
carrier'carrier' is an out-dated term indicating the 'provider' for parcel delivery and flights.Domain: ParcelDeliverydomain: FlightRange: Organization
carrierRequirementsSpecifies specific carrier(s) requirements for the application (e.g. an application may only work on a specific carrier network).Domain: MobileApplicationRange: Text
catalogA data catalog which contains a dataset.Domain: DatasetRange: DataCatalog
causeAn underlying cause. More specifically, one of the causative agent(s) that are most directly responsible for the pathophysiologic process that eventually results in the occurrence.Domain: MedicalConditionDomain: MedicalSignOrSymptomRange: MedicalCause
causeOfThe condition, complication, symptom, sign, etc. caused.Domain: MedicalCauseRange: MedicalEntity
childrenA child of the person.Domain: PersonRange: Person
cholesterolContentThe number of milligrams of cholesterol.Domain: NutritionInformationRange: Mass
circleA circle is the circular region of a specified radius centered at a specified latitude and longitude. A circle is expressed as a pair followed by a radius in meters.Domain: GeoShapeRange: Text
citationA citation or reference to another creative work, such as another publication, web page, scholarly article, etc.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: CreativeWorkRange: Text
clincalPharmacologyDescription of the absorption and elimination of drugs, including their concentration (pharmacokinetics, pK) and biological effects (pharmacodynamics, pD).Domain: DrugRange: Text
clipNumberPosition of the clip within an ordered group of clips.Domain: ClipRange: IntegerRange: Text
closesThe closing hour of the place or service on the given day(s) of the week.Domain: OpeningHoursSpecificationRange: Time
codeA medical code for the entity, taken from a controlled vocabulary or ontology such as ICD-9, DiseasesDB, MeSH, SNOMED-CT, RxNorm, etc.Domain: MedicalEntityRange: MedicalCode
codeRepositoryLink to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located (SVN, github, CodePlex)Domain: CodeRange: URL
contactOptionAn option available on this contact point (e.g. a toll-free number or support for hearing-impaired callers.)Domain: ContactPointRange: ContactPointOption
contactTypeA person or organization can have different contact points, for different purposes. For example, a sales contact point, a PR contact point and so on. This property is used to specify the kind of contact point.Domain: ContactPointRange: Text
containedInThe basic containment relation between places.Domain: PlaceRange: Place
contentLocationThe location of the content.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Place
contentRatingOfficial rating of a piece of content—for example,'MPAA PG-13'.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
contentSizeFile size in (mega/kilo) bytes.Domain: MediaObjectRange: Text
contentUrlActual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file. (previous spelling: contentURL)Domain: MediaObjectRange: URL
expectsAcceptanceOfAn Offer which must be accepted before the user can perform the Action. For example, the user may need to buy a movie before being able to watch it.Domain: ConsumeActionRange: Offer
cookingMethodThe method of cooking, such as Frying, Steaming, ...Domain: RecipeRange: Text
cookTimeThe time it takes to actually cook the dish, in <a href=''>ISO 8601 duration format</a>.Domain: RecipeRange: Duration
copyrightHolderThe party holding the legal copyright to the CreativeWork.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: OrganizationRange: Person
copyrightYearThe year during which the claimed copyright for the CreativeWork was first asserted.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Number
costCost per unit of the drug, as reported by the source being tagged.Domain: DrugRange: DrugCost
costCategoryThe category of cost, such as wholesale, retail, reimbursement cap, etc.Domain: DrugCostRange: DrugCostCategory
costCurrencyThe currency (in 3-letter <a href=>ISO 4217 format</a>) of the drug cost.Domain: DrugCostRange: Text
costOriginAdditional details to capture the origin of the cost data. For example, 'Medicare Part B'.Domain: DrugCostRange: Text
costPerUnitThe cost per unit of the drug.Domain: DrugCostRange: NumberRange: Text
countriesNotSupportedCountries for which the application is not supported. You can also provide the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: Text
countriesSupportedCountries for which the application is supported. You can also provide the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: Text
courseA sub property of location. The course where this action was taken.Domain: ExerciseActionRange: Place
creatorThe creator/author of this CreativeWork or UserComments. This is the same as the Author property for CreativeWork.Domain: CreativeWorkDomain: UserCommentsRange: OrganizationRange: Person
currenciesAcceptedThe currency accepted (in <a href=''>ISO 4217 currency format</a>).Domain: LocalBusinessRange: Text
deliveryLeadTimeThe typical delay between the receipt of the order and the goods leaving the warehouse.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: QuantitativeValue
deliveryStatusNew entry added as the package passes through each leg of its journey (from shipment to final delivery).Domain: ParcelDeliveryRange: DeliveryEvent
departmentA relationship between an organization and a department of that organization, also described as an organization (allowing different urls, logos, opening hours). For example: a store with a pharmacy, or a bakery with a cafe.Domain: OrganizationRange: Organization
dependenciesPrerequisites needed to fulfill steps in article.Domain: TechArticleRange: Text
descriptionA short description of the item.Domain: ThingRange: Text
deviceDevice required to run the application. Used in cases where a specific make/model is required to run the application.Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: Text
diagnosisOne or more alternative conditions considered in the differential diagnosis process.Domain: DDxElementRange: MedicalCondition
diagramAn image containing a diagram that illustrates the structure and/or its component substructures and/or connections with other structures.Domain: AnatomicalStructureRange: ImageObject
dietA sub property of instrument. The diet used in this action.Domain: ExerciseActionRange: Diet
dietFeaturesNutritional information specific to the dietary plan. May include dietary recommendations on what foods to avoid, what foods to consume, and specific alterations/deviations from the USDA or other regulatory body's approved dietary guidelines.Domain: DietRange: Text
differentialDiagnosisOne of a set of differential diagnoses for the condition. Specifically, a closely-related or competing diagnosis typically considered later in the cognitive process whereby this medical condition is distinguished from others most likely responsible for a similar collection of signs and symptoms to reach the most parsimonious diagnosis or diagnoses in a patient.Domain: MedicalConditionRange: DDxElement
distinguishingSignOne of a set of signs and symptoms that can be used to distinguish this diagnosis from others in the differential diagnosis.Domain: DDxElementRange: MedicalSignOrSymptom
distributionA downloadable form of this dataset, at a specific location, in a specific format.Domain: DatasetRange: DataDownload
domainIncludesRelates a property to a class that is (one of) the type(s) the property is expected to be used on.Domain: PropertyRange: Class
inverseOfRelates a property to a property that is its inverse. Inverse properties relate the same pairs of items to each other, but in reversed direction. For example, the 'alumni' and 'alumniOf' properties are inverseOf each other. Some properties don't have explicit inverses; in these situations RDFa and JSON-LD syntax for reverse properties can be used.Domain: PropertyRange: Property
supersededByRelates a property to one that supersedes it.Domain: PropertyRange: Property
doorTimeThe time admission will commence.Domain: EventRange: DateTime
dosageFormA dosage form in which this drug/supplement is available, e.g. 'tablet', 'suspension', 'injection'.Domain: DietarySupplementDomain: DrugRange: Text
doseScheduleA dosing schedule for the drug for a given population, either observed, recommended, or maximum dose based on the type used.Domain: DrugRange: DoseSchedule
doseUnitThe unit of the dose, e.g. 'mg'.Domain: DoseScheduleRange: Text
doseValueThe value of the dose, e.g. 500.Domain: DoseScheduleRange: Number
downloadUrlIf the file can be downloaded, URL to download the binary.Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: URL
drainsToThe vasculature that the vein drains into.Domain: VeinRange: Vessel
drugA drug in this drug class.Domain: DrugClassRange: Drug
drugClassThe class of drug this belongs to (e.g., statins).Domain: DrugRange: DrugClass
drugUnitThe unit in which the drug is measured, e.g. '5 mg tablet'.Domain: DrugCostRange: Text
dunsThe Dun & Bradstreet DUNS number for identifying an organization or business person.Domain: OrganizationDomain: PersonRange: Text
durationThe duration of the item (movie, audio recording, event, etc.) in <a href=''>ISO 8601 date format</a>.Domain: MediaObjectDomain: EventDomain: MovieDomain: MusicRecordingRange: Duration
durationOfWarrantyThe duration of the warranty promise. Common unitCode values are ANN for year, MON for months, or DAY for days.Domain: WarrantyPromiseRange: QuantitativeValue
editorSpecifies the Person who edited the CreativeWork.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Person
educationalAlignmentAn alignment to an established educational framework.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: AlignmentObject
educationalFrameworkThe framework to which the resource being described is aligned.Domain: AlignmentObjectRange: Text
educationalRoleAn educationalRole of an EducationalAudienceDomain: EducationalAudienceRange: Text
educationalUseThe purpose of a work in the context of education; for example, 'assignment', 'group work'.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
educationRequirementsEducational background needed for the position.Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
eligibleCustomerTypeThe type(s) of customers for which the given offer is valid.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: BusinessEntityType
eligibleDurationThe duration for which the given offer is valid.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: QuantitativeValue
eligibleQuantityThe interval and unit of measurement of ordering quantities for which the offer or price specification is valid. This allows e.g. specifying that a certain freight charge is valid only for a certain quantity.Domain: OfferDomain: PriceSpecificationDomain: DemandRange: QuantitativeValue
eligibleRegionThe ISO 3166-1 (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) or ISO 3166-2 code, or the GeoShape for the geo-political region(s) for which the offer or delivery charge specification is valid.Domain: OfferDomain: DeliveryChargeSpecificationDomain: DemandRange: GeoShapeRange: Text
ineligibleRegionThe place(s) from which the offer cannot be obtained (e.g. a region where the transaction is not allowed).Domain: OfferRange: Place
eligibleTransactionVolumeThe transaction volume, in a monetary unit, for which the offer or price specification is valid, e.g. for indicating a minimal purchasing volume, to express free shipping above a certain order volume, or to limit the acceptance of credit cards to purchases to a certain minimal amount.Domain: OfferDomain: PriceSpecificationDomain: DemandRange: PriceSpecification
embedUrlA URL pointing to a player for a specific video. In general, this is the information in the <code>src</code> element of an <code>embed</code> tag and should not be the same as the content of the <code>loc</code> tag. (previous spelling: embedURL)Domain: MediaObjectRange: URL
employeeSomeone working for this organization.Domain: OrganizationRange: Person
employeesPeople working for this organization.Domain: OrganizationRange: Person
employmentTypeType of employment (e.g. full-time, part-time, contract, temporary, seasonal, internship).Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
encodesCreativeWorkThe CreativeWork encoded by this media object.Domain: MediaObjectRange: CreativeWork
encodingA media object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for associatedMedia.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: MediaObject
encodingFormatmp3, mpeg4, etc.Domain: MediaObjectRange: Text
encodingsA media object that encodes this CreativeWork.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: MediaObject
endDateThe end date and time of the item (in <a href=''>ISO 8601 date format</a>).Domain: RoleDomain: EventDomain: SeasonDomain: SeriesRange: Date
endorseeA sub property of participant. The person/organization being supported.Domain: EndorseActionRange: OrganizationRange: Person
endorsersPeople or organizations that endorse the plan.Domain: DietRange: OrganizationRange: Person
endTimeThe endTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to end. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. e.g. John wrote a book from January to *December*.
Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions.
Domain: ActionDomain: FoodEstablishmentReservationRange: DateTime
entertainmentBusinessA sub property of location. The entertainment business where the action occurred.Domain: PerformActionRange: EntertainmentBusiness
epidemiologyThe characteristics of associated patients, such as age, gender, race etc.Domain: PhysicalActivityDomain: MedicalConditionRange: Text
eventsUpcoming or past events associated with this place or organization.Domain: OrganizationDomain: PlaceRange: Event
eventStatusAn eventStatus of an event represents its status; particularly useful when an event is cancelled or rescheduled.Domain: EventRange: EventStatusType
evidenceOriginSource of the data used to formulate the guidance, e.g. RCT, consensus opinion, etc.Domain: MedicalGuidelineRange: Text
exercisePlanA sub property of instrument. The exercise plan used on this action.Domain: ExerciseActionRange: ExercisePlan
exerciseTypeType(s) of exercise or activity, such as strength training, flexibility training, aerobics, cardiac rehabilitation, etc.Domain: ExercisePlanDomain: ExerciseActionRange: Text
exifDataexif data for this object.Domain: ImageObjectRange: Text
expectedArrivalFromThe earliest date the package may arrive.Domain: ParcelDeliveryRange: DateTime
expectedArrivalUntilThe latest date the package may arrive.Domain: ParcelDeliveryRange: DateTime
expectedPrognosisThe likely outcome in either the short term or long term of the medical condition.Domain: MedicalConditionRange: Text
experienceRequirementsDescription of skills and experience needed for the position.Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
expertConsiderationsMedical expert advice related to the plan.Domain: DietRange: Text
expiresDate the content expires and is no longer useful or available. Useful for videos.Domain: MediaObjectRange: Date
familyNameFamily name. In the U.S., the last name of an Person. This can be used along with givenName instead of the name property.Domain: PersonRange: Text
featureListFeatures or modules provided by this application (and possibly required by other applications).Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: TextRange: URL
fileFormatMIME format of the binary (e.g. application/zip).Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: Text
fileSizeSize of the application / package (e.g. 18MB). In the absence of a unit (MB, KB etc.), KB will be assumed.Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: Integer
followeeA sub property of object. The person or organization being followed.Domain: FollowActionRange: OrganizationRange: Person
followsThe most generic uni-directional social relation.Domain: PersonRange: Person
followupTypical or recommended followup care after the procedure is performed.Domain: MedicalProcedureRange: Text
foodEstablishmentA sub property of location. The specific food establishment where the action occurred.Domain: CookActionRange: FoodEstablishmentRange: Place
foodEventA sub property of location. The specific food event where the action occurred.Domain: CookActionRange: FoodEvent
foodWarningAny precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to consumption of specific foods while taking this drug.Domain: DrugRange: Text
founderA person who founded this organization.Domain: OrganizationRange: Person
foundersA person who founded this organization.Domain: OrganizationRange: Person
dissolutionDateThe date that this organization was dissolved.Domain: OrganizationRange: Date
foundingDateThe date that this organization was founded.Domain: OrganizationRange: Date
freeA flag to signal that the publication is accessible for free.Domain: PublicationEventRange: Boolean
frequencyHow often the dose is taken, e.g. 'daily'.Domain: DoseScheduleRange: Text
geographicAreaThe geographic area associated with the audience.Domain: AudienceRange: AdministrativeArea
givenNameGiven name. In the U.S., the first name of a Person. This can be used along with familyName instead of the name property.Domain: PersonRange: Text
globalLocationNumberThe Global Location Number (GLN, sometimes also referred to as International Location Number or ILN) of the respective organization, person, or place. The GLN is a 13-digit number used to identify parties and physical locations.Domain: OrganizationDomain: PlaceDomain: PersonRange: Text
greaterThis ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is greater than the object.Domain: QualitativeValueRange: QualitativeValue
greaterOrEqualThis ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is greater than or equal to the object.Domain: QualitativeValueRange: QualitativeValue
gtin13The <a href="">GTIN-13</a> code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. This is equivalent to 13-digit ISBN codes and EAN UCC-13. Former 12-digit UPC codes can be converted into a GTIN-13 code by simply adding a preceeding zero. See <a href="">GS1 GTIN Summary</a> for more details.Domain: OfferDomain: ProductDomain: DemandRange: Text
gtin14The <a href="">GTIN-14</a> code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. See <a href="">GS1 GTIN Summary</a> for more details.Domain: OfferDomain: ProductDomain: DemandRange: Text
gtin8The <a href="">GTIN-8</a> code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. This code is also known as EAN/UCC-8 or 8-digit EAN. See <a href="">GS1 GTIN Summary</a> for more details.Domain: OfferDomain: ProductDomain: DemandRange: Text
identifyingExamA physical examination that can identify this sign.Domain: MedicalSignRange: PhysicalExam
identifyingTestA diagnostic test that can identify this sign.Domain: MedicalSignRange: MedicalTest
illustratorThe illustrator of the book.Domain: BookRange: Person
imageAn image of the item. This can be a <a href="">URL</a> or a fully described <a href="">ImageObject</a>.Domain: ThingRange: URLRange: ImageObject
incentivesDescription of bonus and commission compensation aspects of the job.Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
includedRiskFactorA modifiable or non-modifiable risk factor included in the calculation, e.g. age, coexisting condition.Domain: MedicalRiskEstimatorRange: MedicalRiskFactor
includesObjectThis links to a node or nodes indicating the exact quantity of the products included in the offer.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: TypeAndQuantityNode
increasesRiskOfThe condition, complication, etc. influenced by this factor.Domain: MedicalRiskFactorRange: MedicalEntity
indicationA factor that indicates use of this therapy for treatment and/or prevention of a condition, symptom, etc. For therapies such as drugs, indications can include both officially-approved indications as well as off-label uses. These can be distinguished by using the ApprovedIndication subtype of MedicalIndication.Domain: MedicalTherapyDomain: MedicalDeviceRange: MedicalIndication
industryThe industry associated with the job position.Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
infectiousAgentThe actual infectious agent, such as a specific bacterium.Domain: InfectiousDiseaseRange: Text
infectiousAgentClassThe class of infectious agent (bacteria, prion, etc.) that causes the disease.Domain: InfectiousDiseaseRange: InfectiousAgentClass
ingredientsAn ingredient used in the recipe.Domain: RecipeRange: Text
inLanguageThe language of the content. please use one of the language codes from the <a href=''>IETF BCP 47 standard.</a>Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
insertionThe place of attachment of a muscle, or what the muscle moves.Domain: MuscleRange: AnatomicalStructure
installUrlURL at which the app may be installed, if different from the URL of the item.Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: URL
instrumentThe object that helped the agent perform the action. e.g. John wrote a book with *a pen*.Domain: ActionRange: Thing
intensityQuantitative measure gauging the degree of force involved in the exercise, for example, heartbeats per minute. May include the velocity of the movement.Domain: ExercisePlanRange: Text
interactingDrugAnother drug that is known to interact with this drug in a way that impacts the effect of this drug or causes a risk to the patient. Note: disease interactions are typically captured as contraindications.Domain: DrugRange: Drug
interactionCountA count of a specific user interactions with this item—for example, <code>20 UserLikes</code>, <code>5 UserComments</code>, or <code>300 UserDownloads</code>. The user interaction type should be one of the sub types of <a href='UserInteraction'>UserInteraction</a>.Domain: CreativeWorkDomain: OrganizationDomain: PlaceDomain: PersonRange: Text
interactivityTypeThe predominant mode of learning supported by the learning resource. Acceptable values are 'active', 'expositive', or 'mixed'.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
isAccessoryOrSparePartForA pointer to another product (or multiple products) for which this product is an accessory or spare part.Domain: ProductRange: Product
isAvailableGenericallyTrue if the drug is available in a generic form (regardless of name).Domain: DrugRange: Boolean
isBasedOnUrlA resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example, CreativeWorkRange: URL
isConsumableForA pointer to another product (or multiple products) for which this product is a consumable.Domain: ProductRange: Product
isFamilyFriendlyIndicates whether this content is family friendly.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Boolean
isGiftWas the offer accepted as a gift for someone other than the buyer.Domain: OrderRange: Boolean
isicV4The International Standard of Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4 code for a particular organization, business person, or place.Domain: OrganizationDomain: PlaceDomain: PersonRange: Text
isPartOfIndicates a CreativeWork that this CreativeWork is (in some sense) part of.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: CreativeWork
isProprietaryTrue if this item's name is a proprietary/brand name (vs. generic name).Domain: DietarySupplementDomain: DrugRange: Boolean
isRelatedToA pointer to another, somehow related product (or multiple products).Domain: ProductRange: Product
isSimilarToA pointer to another, functionally similar product (or multiple products).Domain: ProductRange: Product
issuedThroughThe service through with the permit was granted.Domain: PermitRange: Service
isVariantOfA pointer to a base product from which this product is a variant. It is safe to infer that the variant inherits all product features from the base model, unless defined locally. This is not transitive.Domain: ProductModelRange: ProductModel
itemConditionA predefined value from OfferItemCondition or a textual description of the condition of the product or service, or the products or services included in the offer.Domain: OfferDomain: ProductDomain: DemandRange: OfferItemCondition
numberOfItemsThe number of items in an ItemList. Note that some descriptions might not full describe all items in a list (e.g. multi-page pagination).Domain: ItemListRange: Number
itemListOrderType of ordering (e.g. Ascending, Descending, Unordered).Domain: ItemListRange: ItemListOrderTypeRange: Text
ItemListOrderTypeEnumerated for values for itemListOrder for indicating how an ordered ItemList is organized.Subclass of: Enumeration
ItemListOrderAscendingAn ItemList ordered with lower values listed first.type: ItemListOrderType
ItemListOrderDescendingAn ItemList ordered with higher values listed first.type: ItemListOrderType
ItemListUnorderedAn ItemList ordered with no explicit order.type: ItemListOrderType
itemOfferedThe item being offered.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: Product
jobLocationA (typically single) geographic location associated with the job position.Domain: JobPostingRange: Place
jobTitleThe job title of the person (for example, Financial Manager).Domain: PersonRange: Text
keywordsKeywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
knowsThe most generic bi-directional social/work relation.Domain: PersonRange: Person
labelDetailsLink to the drug's label details.Domain: DrugRange: URL
landlordA sub property of participant. The owner of the real estate property.Domain: RentActionRange: OrganizationRange: Person
lastReviewedDate on which the content on this web page was last reviewed for accuracy and/or completeness.Domain: WebPageRange: Date
latitudeThe latitude of a location. For example <code>37.42242</code>.Domain: GeoCoordinatesRange: NumberRange: Text
licenseA license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: CreativeWorkRange: URL
learningResourceTypeThe predominant type or kind characterizing the learning resource. For example, 'presentation', 'handout'.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
legalNameThe official name of the organization, e.g. the registered company name.Domain: OrganizationRange: Text
legalStatusThe drug or supplement's legal status, including any controlled substance schedules that apply.Domain: DietarySupplementDomain: DrugRange: DrugLegalStatus
lenderA sub property of participant. The person that lends the object being borrowed.Domain: BorrowActionRange: Person
lesserThis ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is lesser than the object.Domain: QualitativeValueRange: QualitativeValue
lesserOrEqualThis ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is lesser than or equal to the object.Domain: QualitativeValueRange: QualitativeValue
lineA line is a point-to-point path consisting of two or more points. A line is expressed as a series of two or more point objects separated by space.Domain: GeoShapeRange: Text
hasMapA URL to a map of the place.Domain: PlaceRange: URLRange: Map
mapA URL to a map of the place.Domain: PlaceRange: URL
mapsA URL to a map of the place.Domain: PlaceRange: URL
maximumIntakeRecommended intake of this supplement for a given population as defined by a specific recommending authority.Domain: DietarySupplementRange: MaximumDoseSchedule
mechanismOfActionThe specific biochemical interaction through which this drug or supplement produces its pharmacological effect.Domain: DietarySupplementDomain: DrugRange: Text
medicineSystemThe system of medicine that includes this MedicalEntity, for example 'evidence-based', 'homeopathic', 'chiropractic', etc.Domain: MedicalEntityRange: MedicineSystem
memberA member of an Organization or a ProgramMembership. Organizations can be members of organizations; ProgramMembership is typically for individuals.Domain: Organizationdomain: ProgramMembershipRange: OrganizationRange: Person
modelThe model of the product. Use with the URL of a ProductModel or a textual representation of the model identifier. The URL of the ProductModel can be from an external source. It is recommended to additionally provide strong product identifiers via the gtin8/gtin13/gtin14 and mpn properties.Domain: ProductRange: ProductModelRange: Text
mpnThe Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) of the product, or the product to which the offer refers.Domain: OfferDomain: ProductDomain: DemandRange: Text
musicGroupMemberA member of a music group—for example, John, Paul, George, or Ringo.Domain: MusicGroupRange: Person
naicsThe North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for a particular organization or business person.Domain: OrganizationDomain: PersonRange: Text
nationalityNationality of the person.Domain: PersonRange: Country
naturalProgressionThe expected progression of the condition if it is not treated and allowed to progress naturally.Domain: MedicalConditionRange: Text
nerveThe underlying innervation associated with the muscle.Domain: MuscleRange: Nerve
nerveMotorThe neurological pathway extension that involves muscle control.Domain: NerveRange: Muscle
netWorthThe total financial value of the organization or person as calculated by subtracting assets from liabilities.Domain: PersonRange: PriceSpecification
nonEqualThis ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is not equal to the object.Domain: QualitativeValueRange: QualitativeValue
nonProprietaryNameThe generic name of this drug or supplement.Domain: DietarySupplementDomain: DrugRange: Text
normalRangeRange of acceptable values for a typical patient, when applicable.Domain: MedicalTestRange: Text
objectThe object upon the action is carried out, whose state is kept intact or changed. Also known as the semantic roles patient, affected or undergoer (which change their state) or theme (which doesn't). e.g. John read *a book*.Domain: ActionRange: Thing
occupationalCategoryCategory or categories describing the job. Use BLS O*NET-SOC taxonomy: Ideally includes textual label and formal code, with the property repeated for each applicable value.Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
offersAn offer to provide this item—for example, an offer to sell a product, rent the DVD of a movie, or give away tickets to an event.Domain: CreativeWorkDomain: EventDomain: ProductRange: Offer
openingHoursThe opening hours for a business. Opening hours can be specified as a weekly time range, starting with days, then times per day. Multiple days can be listed with commas ',' separating each day. Day or time ranges are specified using a hyphen '-'.<br />- Days are specified using the following two-letter combinations: <code>Mo</code>, <code>Tu</code>, <code>We</code>, <code>Th</code>, <code>Fr</code>, <code>Sa</code>, <code>Su</code>.<br />- Times are specified using 24:00 time. For example, 3pm is specified as <code>15:00</code>. <br />- Here is an example: <code><time itemprop="openingHours" datetime="Tu,Th 16:00-20:00">Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-8pm</time></code>. <br />- If a business is open 7 days a week, then it can be specified as <code><time itemprop="openingHours" datetime="Mo-Su">Monday through Sunday, all day</time></code>.Domain: LocalBusinessDomain: CivicStructureRange: Duration
originatesFromThe vasculature the lymphatic structure originates, or afferents, from.Domain: LymphaticVesselRange: Vessel
outcomeExpected or actual outcomes of the study.Domain: MedicalStudyRange: Text
overdosageAny information related to overdose on a drug, including signs or symptoms, treatments, contact information for emergency response.Domain: DrugRange: Text
overviewDescriptive information establishing the overarching theory/philosophy of the plan. May include the rationale for the name, the population where the plan first came to prominence, etc.Domain: DietRange: Text
ownedFromThe date and time of obtaining the product.Domain: OwnershipInfoRange: DateTime
ownedThroughThe date and time of giving up ownership on the product.Domain: OwnershipInfoRange: DateTime
parentA parent of this person.Domain: PersonRange: Person
parentsA parents of the person.Domain: PersonRange: Person
parentServiceA broadcast service to which the broadcast service may belong to such as regional variations of a national channel.Domain: BroadcastServiceRange: BroadcastService
participantOther co-agents that participated in the action indirectly. e.g. John wrote a book with *Steve*.Domain: ActionRange: OrganizationRange: Person
partOfEpisodeThe episode to which this clip belongs.Domain: ClipRange: Episode
partOfOrderThe overall order the items in this delivery were included in.Domain: ParcelDeliveryRange: Order
partOfSeasonThe season to which this episode belongs.Domain: EpisodeDomain: ClipRange: Season
partOfSeriesThe series to which this episode or season belongs.Domain: EpisodeDomain: SeasonDomain: ClipRange: Series
partOfTVSeriesThe TV series to which this episode or season belongs. (legacy form; partOfSeries is preferred)Domain: TVEpisodeDomain: TVSeasonDomain: TVClipRange: TVSeries
pathophysiologyChanges in the normal mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions that are associated with this activity or condition.Domain: PhysicalActivityDomain: MedicalConditionRange: Text
paymentAcceptedCash, credit card, etc.Domain: LocalBusinessRange: Text
paymentDueThe date that payment is due.Domain: OrderRange: DateTime
paymentMethodThe name of the credit card or other method of payment for the order.Domain: OrderRange: PaymentMethod
paymentMethodIdAn identifier for the method of payment used (e.g. the last 4 digits of the credit card).Domain: OrderRange: Text
paymentUrlThe URL for sending a payment.Domain: OrderRange: URL
performerA performer at the event—for example, a presenter, musician, musical group or actor.Domain: EventRange: OrganizationRange: Person
performerInEvent that this person is a performer or participant in.Domain: PersonRange: Event
performersThe main performer or performers of the event—for example, a presenter, musician, or actor.Domain: EventRange: OrganizationRange: Person
permissionsPermission(s) required to run the app (for example, a mobile app may require full internet access or may run only on wifi).Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: Text
permitAudienceThe target audience for this permit.Domain: PermitRange: Audience
physiologicalBenefitsSpecific physiologic benefits associated to the plan.Domain: DietRange: Text
playerTypePlayer type required—for example, Flash or Silverlight.Domain: MediaObjectRange: Text
polygonA polygon is the area enclosed by a point-to-point path for which the starting and ending points are the same. A polygon is expressed as a series of four or more space delimited points where the first and final points are identical.Domain: GeoShapeRange: Text
populationAny characteristics of the population used in the study, e.g. 'males under 65'.Domain: MedicalStudyRange: Text
positionThe position of an item in a series or sequence of items.Domain: CreativeWorkDomain: ListItemRange: TextRange: Integer
possibleComplicationA possible unexpected and unfavorable evolution of a medical condition. Complications may include worsening of the signs or symptoms of the disease, extension of the condition to other organ systems, etc.Domain: MedicalConditionRange: Text
pregnancyWarningAny precaution, guidance, contraindication, etc. related to this drug's use during pregnancy.Domain: DrugRange: Text
preOpA description of the workup, testing, and other preparations required before implanting this device.Domain: MedicalDeviceRange: Text
preparationTypical preparation that a patient must undergo before having the procedure performed.Domain: MedicalProcedureRange: Text
prepTimeThe length of time it takes to prepare the recipe, in <a href=''>ISO 8601 duration format</a>.Domain: RecipeRange: Duration
prescribingInfoLink to prescribing information for the drug.Domain: DrugRange: URL
prescriptionStatusIndicates whether this drug is available by prescription or over-the-counter.Domain: DrugRange: DrugPrescriptionStatus
previousStartDateUsed in conjunction with eventStatus for rescheduled or cancelled events. This property contains the previously scheduled start date. For rescheduled events, the startDate property should be used for the newly scheduled start date. In the (rare) case of an event that has been postponed and rescheduled multiple times, this field may be repeated.Domain: EventRange: Date
priceThe offer price of a product, or of a price component when attached to PriceSpecification and its subtypes.
<br />
<br />
Usage guidelines:
<br />
<li>Use the <a href="/priceCurrency">priceCurrency</a> property (with <a href="">ISO 4217 codes</a> e.g. "USD") instead of
including <a href="">ambiguous symbols</a> such as '$' in the value.
Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator.
Note that both <a href="">RDFa</a> and Microdata syntax allow the use of a "content=" attribute for publishing simple machine-readable values
alongside more human-friendly formatting.
Use values from 0123456789 (Unicode 'DIGIT ZERO' (U+0030) to 'DIGIT NINE' (U+0039)) rather than superficially similiar Unicode symbols.
Domain: OfferDomain: PriceSpecificationDomain: TradeActionRange: NumberRange: Text
priceRangeThe price range of the business, for example <code>$$$</code>.Domain: LocalBusinessRange: Text
priceSpecificationOne or more detailed price specifications, indicating the unit price and delivery or payment charges.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandRange: PriceSpecification
priceTypeA short text or acronym indicating multiple price specifications for the same offer, e.g. SRP for the suggested retail price or INVOICE for the invoice price, mostly used in the car industry.Domain: UnitPriceSpecificationRange: Text
priceValidUntilThe date after which the price is no longer available.Domain: OfferRange: Date
primaryImageOfPageIndicates the main image on the page.Domain: WebPageRange: ImageObject
primaryPreventionA preventative therapy used to prevent an initial occurrence of the medical condition, such as vaccination.Domain: MedicalConditionRange: MedicalTherapy
printColumnThe number of the column in which the NewsArticle appears in the print edition.Domain: NewsArticleRange: Text
printEditionThe edition of the print product in which the NewsArticle appears.Domain: NewsArticleRange: Text
printPageIf this NewsArticle appears in print, this field indicates the name of the page on which the article is found. Please note that this field is intended for the exact page name (e.g. A5, B18).Domain: NewsArticleRange: Text
printSectionIf this NewsArticle appears in print, this field indicates the print section in which the article appeared.Domain: NewsArticleRange: Text
procedureA description of the procedure involved in setting up, using, and/or installing the device.Domain: MedicalDeviceRange: Text
processingTimeEstimated processing time for the service using this channel.Domain: ServiceChannelRange: Duration
processorRequirementsProcessor architecture required to run the application (e.g. IA64).Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: Text
producerThe person or organization who produced the work (e.g. music album, movie, tv/radio series etc.).Domain: CreativeWorkRange: PersonRange: Organization
producesThe tangible thing generated by the service, e.g. a passport, permit, etc.Domain: ServiceRange: Thing
productIDThe product identifier, such as ISBN. For example: <code><meta itemprop='productID' content='isbn:123-456-789'/></code>.Domain: ProductRange: Text
productSupportedThe product or service this support contact point is related to (such as product support for a particular product line). This can be a specific product or product line (e.g. "iPhone") or a general category of products or services (e.g. "smartphones").Domain: ContactPointRange: ProductRange: Text
proficiencyLevelProficiency needed for this content; expected values: 'Beginner', 'Expert'.Domain: TechArticleRange: Text
publicationTypeThe type of the medical article, taken from the US NLM MeSH <a href=>publication type catalog.Domain: MedicalScholarlyArticleRange: Text
publishingPrinciplesLink to page describing the editorial principles of the organization primarily responsible for the creation of the CreativeWork.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: URL
recognizingAuthorityIf applicable, the organization that officially recognizes this entity as part of its endorsed system of medicine.Domain: MedicalEntityRange: Organization
recommendedIntakeRecommended intake of this supplement for a given population as defined by a specific recommending authority.Domain: DietarySupplementRange: RecommendedDoseSchedule
recordedAtThe Event where the CreativeWork was recorded. The CreativeWork may capture all or part of the event.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Event
recordedInThe CreativeWork that captured all or part of this Event.Domain: EventRange: CreativeWork
regionsAllowedThe regions where the media is allowed. If not specified, then it's assumed to be allowed everywhere. Specify the countries in <a href=''>ISO 3166 format</a>.Domain: MediaObjectRange: Place
relatedDrugAny other drug related to this one, for example commonly-prescribed alternatives.Domain: DrugRange: Drug
relatedLinkA link related to this web page, for example to other related web pages.Domain: WebPageRange: URL
relatedStructureRelated anatomical structure(s) that are not part of the system but relate or connect to it, such as vascular bundles associated with an organ system.Domain: AnatomicalSystemRange: AnatomicalStructure
relatedToThe most generic familial relation.Domain: PersonRange: Person
releaseDateThe release date of a product or product model. This can be used to distinguish the exact variant of a product.Domain: ProductRange: Date
releaseNotesDescription of what changed in this version.Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: TextRange: URL
relevantSpecialtyIf applicable, a medical specialty in which this entity is relevant.Domain: MedicalEntityRange: MedicalSpecialty
repetitionsNumber of times one should repeat the activity.Domain: ExercisePlanRange: Number
replaceeA sub property of object. The object that is being replaced.Domain: ReplaceActionRange: Thing
replacerA sub property of object. The object that replaces.Domain: ReplaceActionRange: Thing
replyToUrlThe URL at which a reply may be posted to the specified UserComment.Domain: UserCommentsRange: URL
representativeOfPageIndicates whether this image is representative of the content of the page.Domain: ImageObjectRange: Boolean
requiredGenderAudiences defined by a person's gender.Domain: PeopleAudienceRange: Text
requiredMaxAgeAudiences defined by a person's maximum age.Domain: PeopleAudienceRange: Integer
requiredMinAgeAudiences defined by a person's minimum age.Domain: PeopleAudienceRange: Integer
requirementsComponent dependency requirements for application. This includes runtime environments and shared libraries that are not included in the application distribution package, but required to run the application (Examples: DirectX, Java or .NET runtime).Domain: SoftwareApplicationRange: TextRange: URL
requiresSubscriptionIndicates if use of the media require a subscription (either paid or free). Allowed values are <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> (note that an earlier version had 'yes', 'no').Domain: MediaObjectRange: Boolean
responsibilitiesResponsibilities associated with this role.Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
restPeriodsHow often one should break from the activity.Domain: ExercisePlanRange: Text
resultThe result produced in the action. e.g. John wrote *a book*.Domain: ActionRange: Thing
resultReviewA sub property of result. The review that resulted in the performing of the action.Domain: ReviewActionRange: Review
reviewBodyThe actual body of the review.Domain: ReviewRange: Text
reviewCountThe count of total number of reviews.Domain: AggregateRatingRange: Number
reviewedByPeople or organizations that have reviewed the content on this web page for accuracy and/or completeness.Domain: WebPageRange: OrganizationRange: Person
reviewRatingThe rating given in this review. Note that reviews can themselves be rated. The <code>reviewRating</code> applies to rating given by the review. The <code>aggregateRating</code> property applies to the review itself, as a creative work.Domain: ReviewRange: Rating
riskFactorA modifiable or non-modifiable factor that increases the risk of a patient contracting this condition, e.g. age, coexisting condition.Domain: MedicalConditionRange: MedicalRiskFactor
risksSpecific physiologic risks associated to the plan.Domain: DietRange: Text
runsToThe vasculature the lymphatic structure runs, or efferents, to.Domain: LymphaticVesselRange: Vessel
runtimeRuntime platform or script interpreter dependencies (Example - Java v1, Python2.3, .Net Framework 3.0)Domain: CodeRange: Text
safetyConsiderationAny potential safety concern associated with the supplement. May include interactions with other drugs and foods, pregnancy, breastfeeding, known adverse reactions, and documented efficacy of the supplement.Domain: DietarySupplementRange: Text
salaryCurrencyThe currency (coded using ISO 4217, ) used for the main salary information in this job posting or for this employee.Domain: JobPostingDomain: EmployeeRoleRange: Text
sameAsURL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Freebase page, or official website.Domain: ThingRange: URL
secondaryPreventionA preventative therapy used to prevent reoccurrence of the medical condition after an initial episode of the condition.Domain: MedicalConditionRange: MedicalTherapy
seeksA pointer to products or services sought by the organization or person (demand).Domain: OrganizationDomain: PersonRange: Demand
sellerAn entity which offers (sells / leases / lends / loans) the services / goods. A seller may also be a provider.Domain: OrderDomain: BuyActionDomain: OfferDomain: DemandDomain: FlightRange: OrganizationRange: Person
senderA sub property of participant. The participant who is at the sending end of the action.Domain: ReceiveActionRange: AudienceRange: OrganizationRange: Person
sensoryUnitThe neurological pathway extension that inputs and sends information to the brain or spinal cord.Domain: NerveRange: AnatomicalStructureRange: SuperficialAnatomy
serialNumberThe serial number or any alphanumeric identifier of a particular product. When attached to an offer, it is a shortcut for the serial number of the product included in the offer.Domain: OfferDomain: DemandDomain: IndividualProductRange: Text
seriousAdverseOutcomeA possible serious complication and/or serious side effect of this therapy. Serious adverse outcomes include those that are life-threatening; result in death, disability, or permanent damage; require hospitalization or prolong existing hospitalization; cause congenital anomalies or birth defects; or jeopardize the patient and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes in this definition.Domain: MedicalTherapyDomain: MedicalDeviceRange: MedicalEntity
serviceAreaThe geographic area where the service is provided.Domain: ServiceRange: AdministrativeArea
serviceAudienceThe audience eligible for this service.Domain: ServiceRange: Audience
serviceLocationThe location (e.g. civic structure, local business, etc.) where a person can go to access the service.Domain: ServiceChannelRange: Place
serviceOperatorThe operating organization, if different from the provider. This enables the representation of services that are provided by an organization, but operated by another organization like a subcontractor.Domain: GovernmentServiceRange: Organization
significanceThe significance associated with the superficial anatomy; as an example, how characteristics of the superficial anatomy can suggest underlying medical conditions or courses of treatment.Domain: SuperficialAnatomyRange: Text
significantLinkOne of the more significant URLs on the page. Typically, these are the non-navigation links that are clicked on the most.Domain: WebPageRange: URL
significantLinksThe most significant URLs on the page. Typically, these are the non-navigation links that are clicked on the most.Domain: WebPageRange: URL
signOrSymptomA sign or symptom of this condition. Signs are objective or physically observable manifestations of the medical condition while symptoms are the subjective experience of the medical condition.Domain: MedicalConditionRange: MedicalSignOrSymptom
skillsSkills required to fulfill this role.Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
skuThe Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), i.e. a merchant-specific identifier for a product or service, or the product to which the offer refers.Domain: OfferDomain: ProductDomain: DemandRange: Text
sourceThe anatomical or organ system that the artery originates from.Domain: ArteryRange: AnatomicalStructure
sourcedFromThe neurological pathway that originates the neurons.Domain: NerveRange: BrainStructure
sourceOrganizationThe Organization on whose behalf the creator was working.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Organization
spatialThe range of spatial applicability of a dataset, e.g. for a dataset of New York weather, the state of New York.Domain: DatasetRange: Place
specialCommitmentsAny special commitments associated with this job posting. Valid entries include VeteranCommit, MilitarySpouseCommit, etc.Domain: JobPostingRange: Text
specialtyOne of the domain specialities to which this web page's content applies.Domain: WebPageRange: Specialty
sportsActivityLocationA sub property of location. The sports activity location where this action occurred.Domain: ExerciseActionRange: SportsActivityLocation
sportsEventA sub property of location. The sports event where this action occurred.Domain: ExerciseActionRange: SportsEvent
sportsTeamA sub property of participant. The sports team that participated on this action.Domain: ExerciseActionRange: SportsTeam
spouseThe person's spouse.Domain: PersonRange: Person
startDateThe start date and time of the item (in <a href=''>ISO 8601 date format</a>).Domain: RoleDomain: EventDomain: SeasonDomain: SeriesRange: Date
startTimeThe startTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to start. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. e.g. John wrote a book from *January* to December.
Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions.
Domain: ActionDomain: FoodEstablishmentReservationRange: DateTime
studySubjectA subject of the study, i.e. one of the medical conditions, therapies, devices, drugs, etc. investigated by the study.Domain: MedicalStudyRange: MedicalEntity
subEventAn Event that is part of this event. For example, a conference event includes many presentations, each of which is a subEvent of the conference.Domain: EventRange: Event
subEventsEvents that are a part of this event. For example, a conference event includes many presentations, each subEvents of the conference.Domain: EventRange: Event
subOrganizationA relationship between two organizations where the first includes the second, e.g., as a subsidiary. See also: the more specific 'department' property.Domain: OrganizationRange: Organization
subtypeA more specific type of the condition, where applicable, for example 'Type 1 Diabetes', 'Type 2 Diabetes', or 'Gestational Diabetes' for Diabetes.Domain: MedicalConditionRange: Text
successorOfA pointer from a newer variant of a product to its previous, often discontinued predecessor.Domain: ProductModelRange: ProductModel
suggestedGenderThe gender of the person or audience.Domain: PeopleAudienceRange: Text
suggestedMaxAgeMaximal age recommended for viewing content.Domain: PeopleAudienceRange: Number
suggestedMinAgeMinimal age recommended for viewing content.Domain: PeopleAudienceRange: Number
superEventAn event that this event is a part of. For example, a collection of individual music performances might each have a music festival as their superEvent.Domain: EventRange: Event
targetDescriptionThe description of a node in an established educational framework.Domain: AlignmentObjectRange: Text
targetNameThe name of a node in an established educational framework.Domain: AlignmentObjectRange: Text
targetPlatformType of app development: phone, Metro style, desktop, XBox, etc.Domain: APIReferenceRange: Text
targetPopulationCharacteristics of the population for which this is intended, or which typically uses it, e.g. 'adults'.Domain: DietarySupplementDomain: DoseScheduleRange: Text
targetProductTarget Operating System / Product to which the code applies. If applies to several versions, just the product name can be used.Domain: CodeRange: SoftwareApplication
targetUrlThe URL of a node in an established educational framework.Domain: AlignmentObjectRange: URL
taxIDThe Tax / Fiscal ID of the organization or person, e.g. the TIN in the US or the CIF/NIF in Spain.Domain: OrganizationDomain: PersonRange: Text
temporalThe range of temporal applicability of a dataset, e.g. for a 2011 census dataset, the year 2011 (in ISO 8601 time interval format).Domain: DatasetRange: DateTime
textThe textual content of this CreativeWork.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Text
thumbnailUrlA thumbnail image relevant to the Thing.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: URL
tickerSymbolThe exchange traded instrument associated with a Corporation object. The tickerSymbol is expressed as an exchange and an instrument name separated by a space character. For the exchange component of the tickerSymbol attribute, we reccommend using the controlled vocaulary of Market Identifier Codes (MIC) specified in ISO15022.Domain: CorporationRange: Text
timeRequiredApproximate or typical time it takes to work with or through this learning resource for the typical intended target audience, e.g. 'P30M', 'P1H25M'.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Duration
tissueSampleThe type of tissue sample required for the test.Domain: PathologyTestRange: Text
totalTimeThe total time it takes to prepare and cook the recipe, in <a href=''>ISO 8601 duration format</a>.Domain: RecipeRange: Duration
transmissionMethodHow the disease spreads, either as a route or vector, for example 'direct contact', 'Aedes aegypti', etc.Domain: InfectiousDiseaseRange: Text
valueAddedTaxIncludedSpecifies whether the applicable value-added tax (VAT) is included in the price specification or not.Domain: PriceSpecificationRange: Boolean
WikiDocThis class contains information contributed by <a href=>WikiDoc</a>.
Stack ExchangeThe Question/Answer types were <a href="">based on</a> the Stack Overflow API.
rNewsThis class contains derivatives of IPTC rNews properties. rNews is a data model of publishing metadata with serializations currently available for RDFa as well as HTML5 Microdata. More information about the IPTC and rNews can be found at <a href=></a>.
DatasetClassThis class is based upon W3C DCAT work, and benefits from collaboration around the DCAT, ADMS and VoID vocabularies. See for full details and mappings.
GoodRelationsClassThis class is derived from the GoodRelations Vocabulary for E-Commerce, created by Martin Hepp. GoodRelations is a data model for sharing e-commerce data on the Web that can be expressed in a variety of syntaxes, including RDFa and HTML5 Microdata. More information about GoodRelations can be found at <a href=""></a>.
GoodRelationsPropertiesThis class contains derivatives of properties from the GoodRelations Vocabulary for E-Commerce, created by Martin Hepp. GoodRelations is a data model for sharing e-commerce data on the Web that can be expressed in a variety of syntaxes, including RDFa and HTML5 Microdata. More information about GoodRelations can be found at <a href=""></a>.
LRMIClassThis class is based on the work of the LRMI project, see for details.
ActionCollabClassThe Actions mechanism benefited from extensive discussions across the Web standards community around W3C, in particular from the <a href=""> Hydra project</a>'s community group.
BibExTermThe W3C <a href="">Schema Bib Extend</a> (BibEx) group led the work to improve for bibliographic information, including terms for periodicals, articles and multi-volume works. The design was inspired in places (e.g. pageStart, pageEnd, pagination) by the <a href="">Bibliographic Ontology</a>, 'bibo'.
ReservationDescribes a reservation for travel, dining or an event. Some reservations require tickets.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, restaurant reservations, flights, or rental cars, use
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use
EventReservationA reservation for an event like a concert, sporting event, or lecture.
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use
Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use
providerThe service provider, service operator, or service performer; the goods producer. Another party (a seller) may offer those services or goods on behalf of the provider. A provider may also serve as the seller.domain: CreativeWorkdomain: Servicedomain: Reservationdomain: Flightdomain: ParcelDeliverydomain: TrainTripdomain: BusTripRange: PersonRange: Organization
bookingAgent'bookingAgent' is an out-dated term indicating a 'broker' that serves as a booking agent.domain: ReservationRange: PersonRange: Organization
bookingTimeThe date and time the reservation was booked.domain: ReservationRange: DateTime
modifiedTimeThe date and time the reservation was modified.domain: ReservationRange: DateTime
programMembershipUsedAny membership in a frequent flyer, hotel loyalty program, etc. being applied to the reservation.domain: ReservationRange: ProgramMembership
reservedTicketA ticket associated with the reservation.domain: ReservationRange: Ticket
totalPriceThe total price for the reservation or ticket, including applicable taxes, shipping, etc.domain: Reservationdomain: TicketRange: NumberRange: TextRange: PriceSpecification
priceCurrencyThe currency (in 3-letter ISO 4217 format) of the price or a price component, when attached to PriceSpecification and its subtypes.domain: Reservationdomain: TicketDomain: OfferDomain: PriceSpecificationRange: Text
membershipNumberA unique identifier for the membership.domain: ProgramMembershipRange: Text
programNameThe program providing the membership.domain: ProgramMembershipRange: Text
hostingOrganizationThe organization (airline, travelers' club, etc.) the membership is made with.domain: ProgramMembershipRange: Organization
issuedByThe organization issuing the ticket or permit.domain: TicketDomain: PermitRange: Organization
dateIssuedThe date the ticket was issued.domain: TicketRange: DateTime
ticketedSeatThe seat associated with the ticket.domain: TicketRange: Seat
ticketNumberThe unique identifier for the ticket.domain: TicketRange: Text
ticketTokenReference to an asset (e.g., Barcode, QR code image or PDF) usable for entrance.domain: TicketRange: TextRange: URL
seatNumberThe location of the reserved seat (e.g., 27).domain: SeatRange: Text
seatRowThe row location of the reserved seat (e.g., B).domain: SeatRange: Text
seatSectionThe section location of the reserved seat (e.g. Orchestra).domain: SeatRange: Text
subReservationThe individual reservations included in the package. Typically a repeated property.domain: ReservationPackageRange: Reservation
boardingGroupThe airline-specific indicator of boarding order / preference.domain: ReservationPackageRange: Text
flightNumberThe unique identifier for a flight including the airline IATA code. For example, if describing United flight 110, where the IATA code for United is 'UA', the flightNumber is 'UA110'.domain: FlightRange: Text
checkinTimeThe earliest someone may check into a lodging establishment.domain: LodgingReservationRange: DateTime
checkoutTimeThe latest someone may check out of a lodging establishment.domain: LodgingReservationRange: DateTime
lodgingUnitTypeTextual description of the unit type (including suite vs. room, size of bed, etc.).domain: LodgingReservationRange: TextRange: QualitativeValue
lodgingUnitDescriptionA full description of the lodging unit.domain: LodgingReservationRange: Text
QAPageA QAPage is a WebPage focussed on a specific Question and its Answer(s), e.g. in a question answering site or documenting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).Subclass of: WebPage
QuestionA specific question - e.g. from a user seeking answers online, or collected in a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document.Subclass of: CreativeWorkSource: Stack Overflow
upvoteCountThe number of upvotes this question has received from the community.Domain: QuestionDomain: AnswerDomain: CommentRange: Integer
downvoteCountThe number of downvotes this question has received from the community.Domain: QuestionDomain: AnswerDomain: CommentRange: Integer
answerCountThe number of answers this question has received.Domain: QuestionRange: Integer
commentCountThe number of comments this CreativeWork (e.g. Article, Question or Answer) has received. This is most applicable to works published in Web sites with commenting system; additional comments may exist elsewhere.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Integer
acceptedAnswerThe answer that has been accepted as best, typically on a Question/Answer site. Sites vary in their selection mechanisms, e.g. drawing on community opinion and/or the view of the Question author.Domain: QuestionRange: Answer
AnswerAn answer offered to a question; perhaps correct, perhaps opinionated or wrong.Subclass of: CreativeWorkSource: Stack Overflow
parentItemThe parent of a question, answer or item in general.Domain: AnswerDomain: CommentRange: Question
suggestedAnswerAn answer (possibly one of several, possibly incorrect) to a Question, e.g. on a Question/Answer site.Domain: QuestionRange: Answer
actionStatusIndicates the current disposition of the Action.Domain: ActionRange: ActionStatusType
ActionStatusTypeThe status of an Action.Subclass of: Enumeration
PotentialActionStatusA description of an action that is supported.
ActiveActionStatusAn in-progress action (e.g, while watching the movie, or driving to a location).
CompletedActionStatusAn action that has already taken place.
FailedActionStatusAn action that failed to complete. The action's error property and the HTTP return code contain more information about the failure.
errorFor failed actions, more information on the cause of the failure.Domain: ActionRange: Thing
potentialActionIndicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.Domain: ThingRange: Action
targetIndicates a target EntryPoint for an Action.Domain: ActionRange: EntryPoint
httpMethodAn HTTP method that specifies the appropriate HTTP method for a request to an HTTP EntryPoint. Values are capitalized strings as used in HTTP.Domain: EntryPointRange: Text
encodingTypeThe supported encoding type(s) for an EntryPoint request.Domain: EntryPointRange: Text
contentTypeThe supported content type(s) for an EntryPoint response.Domain: EntryPointRange: Text
urlTemplateAn url template (RFC6570) that will be used to construct the target of the execution of the action.Domain: EntryPointRange: Text
valueNameIndicates the name of the PropertyValueSpecification to be used in URL templates and form encoding in a manner analogous to HTML's input@name.Domain: PropertyValueSpecificationRange: Text
valueRequiredWhether the property must be filled in to complete the action. Default is false.Domain: PropertyValueSpecificationRange: Boolean
defaultValueThe default value of the input. For properties that expect a literal, the default is a literal value, for properties that expect an object, it's an ID reference to one of the current values.Domain: PropertyValueSpecificationRange: ThingRange: Text
readonlyValueWhether or not a property is mutable. Default is false. Specifying this for a property that also has a value makes it act similar to a "hidden" input in an HTML form.Domain: PropertyValueSpecificationRange: Boolean
multipleValuesWhether multiple values are allowed for the property. Default is false.Domain: PropertyValueSpecificationRange: Boolean
valueMinLengthSpecifies the minimum allowed range for number of characters in a literal value.Domain: PropertyValueSpecificationRange: Number
valueMaxLengthSpecifies the allowed range for number of characters in a literal value.Domain: PropertyValueSpecificationRange: Number
valuePatternSpecifies a regular expression for testing literal values according to the HTML spec.Domain: PropertyValueSpecificationRange: Number
stepValueThe stepValue attribute indicates the granularity that is expected (and required) of the value in a PropertyValueSpecification.Domain: PropertyValueSpecificationRange: Number
workPerformedA work performed in some event, for example a play performed in a TheaterEvent.domainIncludes: EventrangeIncludes: CreativeWork
RoleRepresents additional information about a relationship or property. For example a Role can be used to say that a 'member' role linking some SportsTeam to a player occurred during a particular time period. Or that a Person's 'actor' role in a Movie was for some particular characterName. Such properties can be attached to a Role entity, which is then associated with the main entities using ordinary properties like 'member' or 'actor'.
<br/><br/>See also <a href="">blog post</a>
Subclass of: Intangible
PerformanceRoleA PerformanceRole is a Role that some entity places with regard to a theatrical performance, e.g. in a Movie, TVSeries etc.Subclass of: Role
characterNameThe name of a character played in some acting or performing role, i.e. in a PerformanceRole.domainIncludes: PerformanceRolerangeIncludes: Text
OrganizationRoleA subclass of Role used to describe roles within organizations.Subclass of: Role
namedPositionA position played, performed or filled by a person or organization, as part of an organization. For example, an athlete in a SportsTeam might play in the position named 'Quarterback'.domainIncludes: RolerangeIncludes: TextrangeIncludes: URL
roleNameA role played, performed or filled by a person or organization. For example, the team of creators for a comic book might fill the roles named 'inker', 'penciller', and 'letterer'; or an athlete in a SportsTeam might play in the position named 'Quarterback'.domainIncludes: RolerangeIncludes: TextrangeIncludes: URL
EmployeeRoleA subclass of OrganizationRole used to describe employee relationships.Subclass of: OrganizationRole
WebSiteA WebSite is a set of related web pages and other items typically served from a single web domain and accessible via URLs.Subclass of: CreativeWork
Periodicals and BibExtend-related
PeriodicalA publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended, such as a magazine, scholarly journal, or newspaper to continue indefinitely.
<br/><br/>See also <a href="">blog post</a>
Subclass of: SeriesSource: BibEx
PublicationVolumeA part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or multi-volume work, often numbered. It may represent a time span, such as a year.
<br/><br/>See also <a href="">blog post</a>
Subclass of: CreativeWorkSource: BibEx
PublicationIssueA part of a successively published publication such as a periodical or publication volume, often numbered, usually containing a grouping of works such as articles.
<br/><br/>See also <a href="">blog post</a>
Subclass of: CreativeWorkSource: BibEx
hasPartIndicates a CreativeWork that is (in some sense) a part of this CreativeWork.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: CreativeWorkSource: BibEx
issnThe International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) that identifies this periodical. You can repeat this property to (for example) identify different formats of this periodical.Domain: PeriodicalRange: TextSource: BibEx
issueNumberIdentifies the issue of publication; for example, "iii" or "2".Domain: PublicationIssueRange: IntegerRange: TextSource: BibEx
paginationAny description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, "1-6, 9, 55" or "10-12, 46-49".Domain: PublicationVolumeDomain: PublicationIssueDomain: ArticleRange: TextSource: BibEx
volumeNumberIdentifies the volume of publication or multi-part work; for example, "iii" or "2".Domain: PublicationVolumeRange: IntegerRange: TextSource: BibEx
workExampleExample/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative work. eg. The paperback edition, first edition, or eBook.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: CreativeWorkSource: BibEx
exampleOfWorkA creative work that this work is an example/instance/realization/derivation of.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: CreativeWorkSource: BibExt
brokerAn entity that arranges for an exchange between a buyer and a seller. In most cases a broker never acquires or releases ownership of a product or service involved in an exchange. If it is not clear whether an entity is a broker, seller, or buyer, the latter two terms are preferred.domainIncludes: ReservationdomainIncludes: OrderrangeIncludes: PersonrangeIncludes: Organization
ItemList and ListItem extras
itemListElementFor itemListElement values, you can use simple strings (e.g. "Peter", "Paul, "Mary"), existing entities, or use ListItem.
Text values are best if the elements in the list are plain strings. Existing entities are best for a simple, unordered list of existing things in your data. ListItem is used with ordered lists when you want to provide additional context about the element in that list or when the same item might be in different places in different lists.
Note: The order of elements in your mark-up is not sufficient for indicating the order or elements. Use ListItem with a 'position' property in such cases.Domain: ItemListRange: TextRange: ListItemRange: Thing
ListItemAn list item, e.g. a step in a checklist or how-to description.Subclass of: Intangible
itemAn entity represented by an entry in a list (e.g. an 'artist' in a list of 'artists')’.Domain: ListItemRange: Thing
previousItemA link to the ListItem that preceeds the current one.Domain: ListItemDomain: ListItem
nextItemA link to the ListItem that follows the current one.Domain: ListItemDomain: ListItem
MovieSeries, BookSeries
(minimal additions to fit with VideoGameSeries integration)
MovieSeriesA series of movies. Included movies can be indicated with the hasPart property.Subclass of: Series
BookSeriesA series of books. Included books can be indicated with the hasPart property.Subclass of: Series
VideoGameA video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device.Subclass of: SoftwareApplicationSubclass of: Game
GameServerServer that provides game interaction in a multiplayer game.Subclass of: Intangible
GameThe Game type represents things which are games. These are typically rule-governed recreational activities, e.g. role-playing games in which players assume the role of characters in a fictional setting. See also <a href="">open issues list</a>.Subclass of: CreativeWork
GamePlayModeIndicates whether this game is multi-player, co-op or single-player.Subclass of: Enumeration
MultiPlayerPlay mode: MultiPlayer. Requiring or allowing multiple human players to play simultaneously.
CoOpPlay mode: CoOp. Co-operative games, where you play on the same team with friends.
SinglePlayerPlay mode: SinglePlayer. Which is played by a lone player.
GameServerStatusStatus of a game server.Subclass of: Enumeration
OnlineGame server status: Online. Server is available.
OnlineFull Game server status: OnlineFull. Server is online but unavailable. The maximum number of players has reached.
OfflineTemporarily Game server status: OfflineTemporarily. Server is offline now but it can be online soon.
OfflinePermanently Game server status: OfflinePermanently. Server is offline and not available.
numberOfPlayersIndicate how many people can play this game (minimum, maximum, or range).Domain: GameDomain: VideoGameSeriesRange: QuantitativeValue
questThe task that a player-controlled character, or group of characters may complete in order to gain a reward.Domain: GameDomain: VideoGameSeriesRange: Thing
gameItemAn item is an object within the game world that can be collected by a player or, occasionally, a non-player character.Domain: GameDomain: VideoGameSeriesRange: Thing
characterFictional person connected with a creative work.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: Person
characterAttributeA piece of data that represents a particular aspect of a fictional character (skill, power, character points, advantage, disadvantage).Domain: GameDomain: VideoGameSeriesRange: Thing
playModeIndicates whether this game is multi-player, co-op or single-player. The game can be marked as multi-player, co-op and single-player at the same time.Domain: VideoGameDomain: VideoGameSeriesRange: GamePlayMode
translatorOrganization or person who adapts a creative work to different languages, regional differences and technical requirements of a target market.Domain: CreativeWorkRange: PersonRange: Organization
gamePlatformThe electronic systems used to play <a href="">video games</a>.Domain: VideoGameDomain: VideoGameSeriesRange: TextRange: URLRange: Thing
playersOnlineNumber of players on the server.Domain: GameServerRange: Number
gameVideo game which is played on this server.Domain: GameServerRange: VideoGame
gameServerThe server on which it is possible to play the game.Range: GameServerDomain: VideoGame
gameLocationReal or fictional location of the game (or part of game).Domain: GameRange: URLRange: PlaceRange: PostalAddress
Here we extend to better describe music, thanks to a collaboration with MusicBrainz.
MBZThis vocabulary was improved through collaboration with the MusicBrainz project
(<a href=""></a>), and is partially inspired by the MusicBrainz and
<a href="">Music Ontology</a> schemas.
We begin by extending MusicAlbum.
albumProductionTypeClassification of the album by it's type of content: soundtrack, live album, studio album, etc.Domain: MusicAlbumRange: MusicAlbumProductionType
trackA music recording (track)—usually a single song. If an ItemList is given, the list should contain items of type MusicRecordingDomain: MusicPlaylistDomain: MusicGroupRange: ItemListRange: MusicRecording
We add an enumeration type: MusicAlbumProductionType.
MusicAlbumProductionTypeClassification of the album by it's type of content: soundtrack, live album, studio album, etc.Subclass of: Enumeration
MusicAlbumReleaseTypeThe kind of release which this album is: single, EP or album.Subclass of: Enumeration
A new type, MusicComposition + supporting properties.
MusicRelease: Thing > CreativeWork > MusicPlaylist > MusicRelease is a new type describing a specific release of a music album.
MusicReleaseA MusicRelease is a specific release of a music album.Subclass of: MusicPlaylist
catalogNumberThe catalog number for the release.Domain: MusicReleaseRange: Text
creditedToThe group the release is credited to if different than the byArtist. For example, Red and Blue is credited to "Stefani Germanotta Band", but by Lady Gaga.Domain: MusicReleaseRange: PersonRange: Organization
NOTE: proposal had 'duration' but this already existed, so just adding MusicRelease as an expected type to MusicRelease.
musicReleaseFormatFormat of this release (the type of recording media used, ie. compact disc, digital media, LP, etc.).Domain: MusicReleaseRange: MusicReleaseFormatType
NOTE: also we needed 'producer' to be applicable to a MusicRelease - attaching it to CreativeWork to cover everything. Adding Organization as a possible value.
SportsOrganizationRepresents the collection of all sports organizations, including sports teams, governing bodies, and sports associations.Subclass of: Organization
coachA person that acts in a coaching role for a sports team.domain: SportsTeamRange: Person
athleteA person that acts as performing member of a sports team; a player as opposed to a coachdomain: SportsTeamRange: Person
numberedPositionA number associated with a role in an organization, for example, the number on an athlete's jersey.domain: OrganizationRoleRange: Number
Addition of DatedMoneySpecification as of 2014-11-14.
Tweaks: calling it DatedMoneySpecification rather than DatedMoneyValue
for symmetry with PriceSpecification and subtypes. Removed comments on startDate/endDate as definitions are global and these exist.
DatedMoneySpecificationA DatedMoneySpecification represents monetary values with optional start and end dates. For example, this could represent an employee's salary over a specific period of time.
Subclass of: StructuredValue
currencyThe currency in which the monetary amount is expressed (in 3-letter <a href=''">ISO 4217</a> format).
domain: DatedMoneySpecification
Range: Text