
from Walter -

Order of Walter's Article

Not from Walter - We can say that the purpose of the mindmap is to enable KWs to “think effectively” (p.13). Most peoples’ thinking is not clear, focused, or systematic enough to perform knowledge work competently. The purpose of the Human Knowledge MindMap is one approach that enables users to do this. Whether during learning, or on a job, effective thinking consists of a set of components as characterized in the mindmap.

2018-10-15 - these below might go into the "thinking" paper, just like Walter's and the science ones. Source

HILT, he noted, “elevated our commitment to excellence in teaching and learning”—by stimulating data-informed conversations about student learning; by prompting inquiries into using technology to organize information; and by exploring “What are our students actually learning?”

About Learning

All of the below need fleshing out but I think they are a good start. In my mind they are all interdependant.

The most important thing



Today, I will be treating of the final phrase of Don Morrison’s definition of e-learning,

The continuous assimilation of knowledge and skills by adults stimulated by synchronous and asynchronous learning events – and sometimes Knowledge management outputs – which are authored, delivered engaged with, supported and administered using internet technologies.

(2004, p.4)
