About Instructional Design
It's not an information dump
- but that content has to be some
- it's about the alignment in
objectives, practice and assessment
What you have to do
- Start with realistic goals about what
you want learners to be able to do, not what they need to
- Start by telling (convincing) learner
why it's important
- Create simple, clear, content
- Use multimedia and graphics
- Add context with stories, case
studies, experiments
- Create learning opportunities
(interactions that help the learner work toward their
- Learning is like skateboarding, it
takes practice and you're going to screw up
- You need to model concepts, have
examples, have problems (lots of examples and lots of problems
are good)
- You make mistakes because your model
is not complete, or correct, etc.
- Good concepts are elaborated into an
meaningful, rational, with multiple representations, model
- Ask the learner to reflect on what
they've learned
- Point the learner to the next step
and future possible directions or options so that learners
don't think they are done.
Environment is one of collaboration