plone documentTypes = ['Page','Event','Favorite','File','Image','Link','News Item','Document','Collection','Topic'];
CMIS Services Does CMIS4Plone support it now?
1. Repository Services getRepositories Yes getRepositoryInfo Yes getTypeChildren Yes getTypeDescendants Yes getTypeDefinition Yes
2. Navigation Services getChildren Yes getDescendants Yes getFolderTree Yes getFolderParent Yes getObjectParents Yes getCheckedOutDocs No, not supported by Plone
3. Object Services createDocument Yes createDocumentFromSource Yes createFolder Yes createRelationship No, not supported by Plone createPolicy No, not clear in Plone getAllowableActions Yes getObject Yes getProperties Yes getObjectByPath Yes getContentStream Yes getRenditions No, not supported by cmislib and Plone updateProperties Not yet implemented in cmis4plone moveObject No, not yet implemented in cmislib deleteObject Yes, supported at the risk of permission uncertainty deleteTree Yes, supported at the risk of permission uncertainty setContentStream Yes, supported at the risk of permission uncertainty deleteContentStream Yes, supported at the risk of permission uncertainty
4. Multi-filing Services addObjectToFolder No, not yet implemented in cmislib. It can be supported removeObjectFromFolder via the Collection operations in Plone.
5. Discovery Services query No, need a compiler to translate CMIS queries getContentChanges No, not supported by Plone
6. Versioning Services No, not supported by Plone or wsapi4plone checkOut cancelCheckOut checkIn getObjectOfLatestVersion getPropertiesOfLatestVersion getAllVersions
7. Relationship Services No, not supported by Plone getObjectRelationships
8. Policy Services applyPolicy No, not yet implemented in cmislib, removePolicy and not supported by Plone getAppliedPolicies
9. ACL Services getACL No, not supported by wsapi4plone applyACL read/write permissions are not clear