Dublin Core Description Sets
According to the "Description Set Model" of the DCMI Abstract
Model [ABSTRACT-MODEL], a DC description set has the following
- a description set is made up of one
or more descriptions
- a description is made up of
- zero or one described resource
URI and
- one or more statements
- a statement is made up of
- exactly one property URI and
- exactly one value surrogate
- a value surrogate is either a literal
value surrogate or a non-literal value surrogate
- a literal value surrogate is made
up of
- exactly one value string
- a non-literal value surrogate is made
up of
- zero or one value URIs
- zero or one vocabulary encoding
scheme URIs
- zero or more value strings
- a value string is either a plain
value string or a typed value string
- a plain value string may be
associated with a value string language
- a typed value string is
associated with a syntax encoding scheme URI
- a non-literal value may be
described by another description