Pentadactyl Cheat Sheet.
Essential Keybinds and key sequences:
Note: [count] is an optional parameter specifing the number of times the action shall be executed.
Navigating the Web:
gh Opens the homepage in the current tab.
gH Opens the homepage in a new tab.
o Opens a location in the current tab.
O Opens a location in the current tab and uses the current location as the starting point.
t Opens a location in a new tab.
T Opens a location in a new tab and uses the current location ans the starting point.
w Opens a location in a new window.
W Opens a location in a new window and uses the current location ans the starting point.
[count]H Go back in the browser history.
[count]L Go forward in the history.
r Reload the current location.
R Reloads the current location without using the cache.
control+c Stop loading the current location.
d Closes the current tab.
u Restores the last closed tab.
control+n Switch to next tab.
control+p Switch to previous tab.
F1-Key Opens the pentadactyl documentation in the current tab.
Navigating a Page:
[count]j Scrolls document down one unit.
[count]k Scrolls document up one unit.
[count]h Scrolls document left one unit.
[count]l Scrolls document right one unit.
space Scrolls down a page.
shift+space Scrolls up a page.
[count]control+d Scrolls down the amount set in the 'scroll' option, half a window is default.
[count]control+u Scrolls up the amount set in the 'scroll' option, half a window is default.
gg Goes to the top of the document.
G Goes to the bottom of the document.
[count]control+f Scrolls down a full page.
[count]control+b Scrolls up a full page.
Navigating Links and Elements:
f Starts hint mode, highlighting all the clickable elements in the current view and
gives them, on default settings, numeric labels.
Elements and links can now be clicked by either typing the respective number
or part of their textual name/description, narrowing the selection down, or, in
case there is only one element that matches it, clicking it.
After the element has been clicked, hint mode ends.
Hint mode special keys are:
Enter/Return/<CR> Selects the first highlighted or tab selected hint.
Tab Moves focus to the next hintable item.
<LeaderKey> Default mapping is \s, temporarily treats numeric input
as text input instead of hint selection input.
Escape Exits hint mode without selecting anything.
F Same as f, but items are shift left clicked instead of simply left clicked.
;{Mode} Starts extended hints mode, working just like f but with specified effects see below.
;; Focuses an element without clicking it.
;s Saves the destination of the link.
;f Focuses a frame.
;o Opens the location in the current tab.
;t Opens the location in a new tab.
;b Opens the location in a background tab.
;w Opens the location in a new window.
;O Generates an open prompt with the location as the URL, similar to the O key.
;T Generates a tabopen prompt with the location as the URL, similar to the T key.
;W Generates a windowopen prompt with the location as the URL, similar to the W key.
;y Copies the location.
;Y Copies the locations text description.
g;{Mode} Starts extended hints mode and stays there until Escape is pressed.
After a hint has been selected any previously narrowed down selection will be
reset to allow the selection of different items.
gi Focus last used input field. If there was no last used input field it will
Use the first available one. Good for search engines.
Using QuickMarks:
M{a-zA-Z0-9} Binds the current URL to the key specified. Example: Ma binds the current URL to a.
go{a-zA-Z0-9} Jumps to the QuickMark bound to the key specified.
gn{a-zA-Z0-9} Jumps to the QuickMark bound to the key specified in a new tab.