Convert an XTM File to JTMA Format
XTM files can be used with JTMA if they are first converted to the
JTML javascript format. This can be done using a pair of XSLT
stylesheets. The first converts to an intermediate XML format
that is more convenient for transforming to the JTML format. The
second converts the intermediate format to JTMA.
The stylesheets are located in the "stylesheets" directory.
Open a command line or shell winfow, then change to the
stylesheets directory. Run the stylesheets using your XSLT
processor in a manner similar to this following, which uses the
Saxon processor:
- saxon sourcefile.xtm xtm2jtma.xsl > sourcefile.xml
- saxon sourcefile.xml js_load_data_2.xsl >sourcefile.js.html
The ".html" part of the filename tells the processor that this is an
HTML file (which contains javascript) - this is necessary so that the
browser can use the right character encoding. The ".js" part of
the filename - it is only a suggestion - is suggested to remind you that
the file really contains
the javascript version of the topic map.
Occasionally, there will be an extra or unpaired apostrophe in
occurrence data. The stylesheet tries to escape or match all
apostrophes, but once in a while one slips through. If this
happens, the map will not load correctly (and the browser debugger will
tell you so). You would have to correct this by hand in the
.js.html file.
After creating the JTMA version of the topic map, copy it into the
"maps" directory. You can load it by typing or pasting the file
name into the "load" text box in the browser's left-hand panel.
You can also add new topics, occurrences, etc., to a map loaded
this way, and then save the modified map as described in the page
called "Save a Topic Map".