The Standard Color Scheme
Each page of the application uses different colors to separate it into functional areas.
The page will work perfectly well without these colors, but the colors give additional
visual cues.
Colors and Functions
Panel Colors
- A Light Blue Panel denotes a panel or control used to select
or change something, such as a topic.
- A Yellowish Panel ("lightgoldenrod") denotes a panel used
mainly to list details of a selection. In a few cases, items in such a panel
can also be selected (and, in the Occurrences page, ocurrence data
can be changed). This is possible in the center panel of the View Topics
and View Associations pages.
Control Colors
- A Blue Button is used to add or change something, such as a topic
or an association.
- A Red Button is used to delete something
- A Neutral Colored Button - the browser's default color,
usually gray - is used to perform some action that does not change the data.