It appears that you have realistic
expectations of what taking an online course requiers
and your outlook should help you be sucessfully complete
your class.
I'm afraid that you might not have a correct
assesment of what an online course requires and it's
possible that you become fustrated with the online
experience and possibly drop out. You might want to
consider other opions.
Self Directed
You seem to be very good at staying focused
and you will need to bring all those habits with you to
your online class.
Being self directed is very important in
online learning. You need to take responsiblity for
keeping your self on track. You may want to reconsider
these habits before taking and online class.
Learning Preferences
Your responses indicate that you can use
different types of media in online courses, solve minor
problems, and work in online groups.
You may need to stretch
yourself to use different types of media, such as audio,
to learn in an online course. Self-reliance to solve
minor problems or make decisions about your learning is
also vital. Because you may work in an online group, you
will need sharp communication skills.
Study Habits
Your strong study habits should server you
well on taking an online course.
To succeed in an online course, you must
carefully choose a place to study compatible with your
work habits, and plan on spending 10-20 hours each week
there. An online course requires at least 10 hours a week
of work. Devise a way to keep track of your assignments
and due dates so you can plan your work. You will also
need to be willing to reach out to your instructor and
fellow classmates when you have questions.
Technical Skills
You indicate that you have strong technical
skills. You should still be cautious while navigation the
system and completing assignments.
Consider identifying someone to serve
your technological support person before taking an online
course. Ideally, you should work to acquire the following
skills: use the Internet and a Web browser to perform
searches, install software on your computer, and perform
simple troubleshooting activities.
Technical Requirements
It seems you have adequate
capabilities. The complete list of hardware and software
required for online learning may vary slightly by course.
Review specific course requirements before starting any
online course.
Your computer may need some upgrades or
additional software installed to ensure the best possible
online learning experience. You should have a modern,
up-to-date operating system, up-to-date browser, fairly
fast connection to the Internet, virus protection, and
possibly headphones with a microphone. The complete list
of hardware and software required for online learning may
vary slightly by course. Review specific course
requirements before starting any online course