This page highlights most of the pieces that I'm trying to put together to build what ever kinds of services that we need or want. It's not written in stone but I think it makes a lot of sense.
This is what we're trying to avoid. As you can see in the above graphic each application is self contained and doesn't share any parts with the other applications. This is bad because each application duplicates large portions of code and logic. It's like building a new house in order to change the channel on the TV or having a car that can only be used to go the grocery store and needing a second car that only knows how to go to work and back
This shows how all the common parts are reused for all applications. This illustration also show how the storeage system provides preservation for all digital objects.
These are the basics things that we're going to make public.
This is a digital achive that maintains and preserves all assets.
While they may be many more this is a good begining
Again while there may be many more content types in the future this is a eazy list to get started with. Each one of thise content type needs a metadata schema developed.
We need to get on top of this! Here is a list of common ontologies.
FOAF Friend of a Friend provides terms for describing people and their social network.
SIOC Semanticly Interlinked Online Commnunites
DOAP Description of a Project
DC Dublin Core
SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System
REV Review Vocabulary provides terms representing reviews
GoodRelations Provides terms for describing products and business entities
MusicOntology Music Ontology provides terms for describing artists, albums, tracks, but also performances, arrangements, etc.
ORG Organization Ontolgy describes the structure of organizations
describing the basic properties of an event and contains a list of axioms expressing mapping relationships with other ontologies such as DOLCE, CYC, CIDOC-CRM, Event Ontology, F, and SEM.
SchemaOrg Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo schema to enhance semantic search
The web is not monolithic but composed of many parts.
Applications are built up using the following standards and protocols.
The above is the stack that a web browser supports.