Take the online education quiz

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Based on the answers you provided in the quiz, you scored 3 points.

This indicates that distance learning may not be the best alternative for you; you should talk with an advisor or counselor.

You can review your answers and see an explanation of the questions below.

1. My need to take this course now is:

Because of work or family concerns or issues, students sometimes neglect distance learning courses. Having a strong work-related reason for taking a course may help motivate you to complete the course successfully.

2. Having face-to-face interaction with my instructors and other students is:

Distance learning requires you to be an independent learner. If you find this unnatural and would miss direct instructor and student contact, then you should pursue a more traditional approach, if possible.

3. I would classify myself as someone who:

If you have the self-discipline to complete tasks, then distance learning should be no problem for you. If you need reminders and other encouragement, then this may not be the best type of learning for you.

4. Classroom discussion is:

Some people learn best by listening to others, especially in class. Although chat rooms, threaded discussions, and interactive television can help you communicate with other students, group discussion may not always be possible. Some people learn better by reading and reviewing on their own and may be more suited to distance learning.

5. When an instructor hands out directions for an assignment, I prefer:

You may need to call, e-mail, or fax your instructor if you have difficulty following  written directions. Patience and persistence may be necessary to receive the clarifications or directions you need from the instructor.

6. I need faculty feedback on my assignments:

With distance learning, you may not receive feedback immediately as you would in a classroom setting. Many instructors, however, respond to your request for comments on projects, exams, etc. very quickly by e-mail and other methods.

7. Considering my professional and personal schedule, the amount of time I have to work on an online course is:

You should spend about the same amount of time (maybe even more) on a distance learning course than on classroom-based learning.

8. Coming to a provider site on a regular basis for a class is:

Distance learners find it difficult to come to a campus or provider site for their learning; they prefer the flexibility distance learning provides as they juggle work, family, and personal schedules.

9. I would classify my reading ability as:

The ability to read well is important since much of distance learning is print-based. There are ways to improve your reading ability—check with your advisor or counselor for more information.

10. When I am asked to use technologies such as e-mail, the Internet, or new software:

Many distance learning courses require the use of CD-ROMs, the Internet, special software, etc. If you want to pursue distance learning, you should be willing to explore and take chances.