[The Nearly Free University](https://www.amazon.com/Nearly-Free-University-Emerging-Economy/dp/1491222212) >The U.S. Universities did not begin as trade schools, but as centers for the so called liberal arts and whose purpose was to teach their students how to live well rounded, productive lives. After WWII and the influx of GI Bill students whose purpose was to prepare themselves to support their families the role of the universities began to change. Departments of Business Administration and other practical training such as engineering became quite popular as undergraduate courses. The universities began to advertise their job placement services and their successful alumni. Yet as Smith points out the hype did not reflect the simple reality that any university course in fields like engineering was always going to be behind what was being done in the real world. * [Steve Mintz](https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/blogs/higher-ed-gamma/2023/06/05/can-our-campuses-reinvent-themselves-face-new-realities) * [Are colleges of the past still the future?](https://assets.ey.com/content/dam/ey-sites/ey-com/en_gl/noindex/ey-future-of-higher-education-report.pdf?aliId=eyJpIjoiTDBzWXExanV0QXhJVlwvSCsiLCJ0IjoiaEplWlIrV0lKNVB2SStVTmxyY1NhUT09In0%253D)