

Circular Growth vs. Linear Growth

It’s common to see progress as linear. When thinking about success, many people imagine a ladder or stairs going up. To progress, you need to climb each step one by one and get closer to the top.

* Linear model: A then B then C then D.
* Circular model: A feeds B feeds C, which in turn feeds A.

In a linear model of personal growth, you can only go up or down. By design, there are people below and above yourself. This model can be falsely reassuring, as it seems to offer a clear path to success. It’s used by many organisations as a way to manage their employees’ careers.

In a circular model of growth, nobody is more advanced than anyone. There is no “up” or “down.” People are at a particular point of their own, unique learning loop. Everyone only competes against one’s self. The circular model can be more daunting, as there is no predefined direction. You need to design your own personal growth process.

Mental Models

To put it simply, mental models are a set of beliefs and ideas that we consciously or unconsciously form based on our experiences. They guide our thoughts and behaviours and help us understand life. They’re basically thinking tools—shortcuts for reasoning.

learning loops