
This is my spot on the web.

Nobody cares about this websitebut I do it anyway.


  • Snapshots - Microblog like postings.
  • Journal - A day by day kind of thing.
  • Posts - These are my comments on various things. I hope to do better in the future by creating entries that might be useful to someone. 😀



Professionally I am (was) a "Systems Librarian". As a librarian I am interested in the organization of information and how people use information. I still think libraries are relevant but for different reasons then when I was a kid and before the Internet. In the 90's I had hopes of the library going digital. Unfortunately the Digital Library never came to be. First it was "search" and now with assistants like ChatGPT the library is not the first (or even the last) place you go to look for information but I still use my pubic library.

Colophon - How this site is made.


Photos - I maintain a collection of albums. Here is an example of this year's Spring Trip. Below are just some random pics.
You can click on the photo to enlarge it.