Classic Note Entries

$10,000 Education

Strategies for Change

In summary, the most self-evident conclusion is that, if an institution is preparing to invest in a transformative change initiative, the best focus may not be to fund more faculty development of technology infused courses, which only bolts-technology on to our current affordability-challenged model. The opportunity for changing the time factor in the baccalaureate process is real. It was revealed by the work of 60 experts this fall, when an institution focuses on just four key actions they will provide the pedagogical infrastructure for true transformation.

These four actions are:

  • Establish competency-based instruction across the institution.
  • Develop assessments and robust assessment engines correlated to those competencies.
  • Create the technological and analytical platforms that support independent, personalized learning paths for all students
  • Implement the ability to advance individually upon mastery instead of by course or credit hour.

Postsecondary enterprises that can demonstrate consistent, sustainable outcomes will flourish.

Source: WCET Blog