- apathy [ap-uh-thee]
- Show IPA noun, plural -thies.
- 1. absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
- 2. lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
- 3. Also, apathy [ap-uh-thee-uh] Show IPA . Stoicism .
freedom from emotion of any kind.
Use apathy in a Sentence Origin: 1595-1605; (< F) < Latin apath < Greek aptheia insensibility to suffering, equivalent to apathe- (stem of apaths ) unfeeling ( a- a-6 + pathe-, variant stem of pathos pathos) + -ia -ia - Synonyms 1. coolness. 2. See indifference.
- Antonyms 1. ardor, fervor.
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