Assessment and Accreditation
Linda Suskie
- From "distribution" based model to "competency" based model (Gates)
some how the distribution model means student "select"
from broad group of courses
Kuber-Ross (Death or Changes)
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
What is assessment ( teaching)
- Deciding what we want our student to learn
- Making sure they learn it.
High Expectations
- We don't do it enough
General Education
- She says we need to do this
- 20 - 80 rule ( 20 percent of the courses provide 80% of gen-ed. [ focus here ]
Distributed Education
- Does this mean that students are going to be learning from **MANY** places?
What do you need to know
- Knowledge and understanding
- Skills
- Attitudes and dispositions
- audieance
- behavior
- content
Common Program Outcomes
- Writing in the discipline
- Critical analysis
- Information Literacy (critical thinking? Way beyond library resources)
- Teamwork
What is the spectrum of objectives
- thinking > adding 2 numbers
- rubrics
What is a good learning goal
- Outcomes - what graduates should be able to do
- Clear - no fuzzy goals
- Observable - what students should be able to do ( attitudes and values ? )
- Skills and /or attitudes/values
- Important - meet student employee needs