Classic Note Entries

Education in Florida


The discussion at the steering committee focused on a 4 by 4 matrix of goals and strategies to achieve those goals. The goals included:
(1) expanding access,
(2) increasing efficiency so student costs could be restrained,
(3) strengthening the link between postsecondary education and the labor market, and
(4) enhancing the student experience.
The four strategies mapped out by the Parthenon Group were:
(1) allowing all institutions to follow market forces in developing online offerings, which would be for all practical purposes the strategy that Florida has pursued up to this point,
(2) fostering collaboration between institutions,
(3) establish one or more lead institutions to be responsible for the delivery of online programming throughout the state, or
(4) create a new online institution to be the best in the world at doing this new type of business.

WCET Frontiers Blog

This is what is going on in Connecticut right now.