Load XML
This code assumes that readXML is the name of a Javascript function
that uses the global variable xmlDoc to access the DOM tree, and that
initLibrary() is called with the onload handler from the HTML body tag like this:
<body onload="initLibrary()">
The file name passed into the importXML function can of course be changed to any
local or remote XML file name, depending on which one you want to load.
var xmlDoc;
var xmlloaded = false;
function initLibrary() {
function importXML(xmlfile) {
try {
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("GET", xmlfile, false);
catch (Exception) {
var ie = (typeof window.ActiveXObject != 'undefined');
if (ie) {
xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.async = false;
while(xmlDoc.readyState != 4) {};
xmlloaded = true;
else {
xmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
xmlDoc.onload = readXML;
xmlloaded = true;
if (!xmlloaded) {
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml')
xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML;
xmlloaded = true;