Classic Note Entries

Modern Library vs Traditional Library

Traditional Library

We've reached the end of the traditional library.

The network and digital items (that contain information) are easier and more valued that traditional items (books, print journals, dvd, etc.) see (Buckland's automated library) and therefore the traditional jobs of reference, selection, access services, and cataloging are coming to an end..

Modern Library

A definition of a modern library (maybe the digital library) is where the contents are digital as well as the tools

Roles in the Modern Library
  • write code (code4lib) (programmer, scripter, batch file editor, etc [continuum from 1 to 10]);
  • model data that the code runs against (both logical and physical)
  • model the domain (ontologies, subject experts)
  • system administrator (linux and program installation)
  • systems integrator (help programs work with each other)
  • curate (interact with the world to find instances of the models)

All roles can bleed into each other and the top three are much harder to do than the last so there will be fewer of those positions

These applications may address needs related to:

  • digital content creation,
  • content storage,
  • content discovery,
  • text analysis,
  • data visualization, and
  • the manipulation and analysis of data and other digital media.