Online Education
Her prescription begins with, "You can't improve higher
education without improving the cost issue" and "we're going
to have to figure out how to do a lot more with the same
amount [of money]."To accomplish this, we need to focus on
Content (what we learn), Socialization (how we learn), and
Accreditation (why we learn).
Anya Kamenetz,
The Ernst & Young report argues that there are three
models that universities might follow to survive to and
beyond 2025:
- Stay with the status quo, but significantly streamline their operations;
- Become a "niche dominator," i.e., stop trying to be all things to all students and focus on one or a few niches where they have a chance of winning greater market share;
- Become "transformers" in which they redefine what it means to be who they are, create new markets for their products, and outsource much of their operations.