Classic Note Entries

Product vs Process

Ralph Windsor- Transforming DAM From A Product To Service-Oriented Delivery Model:
As seasoned DAM pros know, DAM isn't a "thing", it is a process or management strategy. While there is software available which can help you realise your Digital Asset Management objectives, the tail doesn't wag the dog and you have to know what you want to do with it first for it to be as useful as it should be.
[People] like to think in terms of products. Buying a software system confers an illusion of commitment to doing something about the problem, [...], by contrast, strategy and planning implies having to give up more of everyone's precious time and taking some ownership of (and therefore responsibility for) the problem.
[...] When the vendors deliver the aforementioned demos, they get asked if they support feature X,Y or Z. If not, there are usually fear-induced long pauses followed by either lying, disingenuous re-interpretation of the question to suit the vendor's current capabilities (see previous point) or an assurance that 'it will be available in the next version' (see first point).