Classic Note Entries

Resouce Based Learning

The potential of resource-based learning environments (RBLEs) for instruction and learning is considerable. Whereas conventional instructional approaches address known learning goals using well-organized sequences, resources, and activities, methods for supporting context-specific, user-centered learning have been slow to develop. Increasingly, individuals evaluate vast numbers of digital resources located in expanding information repositories. [...] Digital information systems such as the Web continue to influence both the availability and use of resources (Quinlan, 1997). RBLEs enable teachers and learners to take advantage of these systems, expanding the resources they use to enhance the teaching and learning process. [...]Resources are media, people, places or ideas that have the potential to support learning. Resources are information assets data points organized by an individual or individuals to convey a message (Allee, 1997), (Hill & Hannafin, 2001: 38:)
One area in particular need of development for EPSS [Electronic Performance Support Systems] technology is the integration and use of resources. Resources have always been integral to training. Resource-based approaches extend the traditional use of available information and media by reusing and manipulating them to accommodate specific situational requirements. In EPSSs, resources are individual media (text, video, pictures, graphics, etc.) that have the potential to support performance. Resources are organized sets of data combined by an expert or specialist to convey a message, thus providing information related to a specific topic and/or task (Clark, 1998). [...] Resource-based approaches offer the potential for establishing situational relevance in a flexible development/delivery environment. They involve the identification and re-use (or adaptation) of existing resources to support varied, rather than only specific, training and learning needs. Hannafin, M.J., Hill, J. R., & McCarthy, J. (2002)