Topic Map Schema
# ===========================================================================
# XML Topic Maps 2.0
# This is the normative RELAX-NG schema for the XTM 2.0 syntax, as
# defined in ISO 13250-3.
# See
# ===========================================================================
# --- Common declarations
default namespace = ""
namespace xtm = ""
datatypes xsd = ""
start = topicMap
reifiable = attribute reifier { xsd:anyURI }?, itemIdentity*
href = attribute href { xsd:anyURI }
any-markup = (text | element * - xtm:* { attribute * { text }*, any-markup* })*
# --- The schema
topicMap = element topicMap { reifiable, version, mergeMap*,
(topic | association)* }
version = attribute version { "2.0" }
topic = element topic { id,
(itemIdentity | subjectLocator | subjectIdentifier)*,
instanceOf?, (name | occurrence)* }
id = attribute id { xsd:ID }
name = element name { reifiable, type?, scope?, value, variant* }
value = element value { text }
variant = element variant { reifiable, scope, (resourceRef | resourceData) }
scope = element scope { topicRef+ }
instanceOf = element instanceOf { topicRef+ }
type = element type { topicRef }
occurrence = element occurrence { reifiable,
type, scope?, ( resourceRef | resourceData ) }
datatype = attribute datatype { xsd:anyURI }
resourceData = element resourceData { datatype?, any-markup }
association = element association { reifiable, type, scope?, role+ }
role = element role { reifiable, type, topicRef }
topicRef = element topicRef { href }
resourceRef = element resourceRef { href }
subjectLocator = element subjectLocator { href }
subjectIdentifier = element subjectIdentifier { href }
itemIdentity = element itemIdentity { href }
mergeMap = element mergeMap { href }