Microservices for a DAM
- asset database (asset identifiers and metadata including metadata editing capabilities, and pointers to files)
- file storage (locally or in the cloud; this is where image files etc. reside and where the asset database points to)
- image processing engine (creating preview images, and cropping images for export)
- video conversion engine (taking stills from videos, and transcoding into Web-friendly formats)
- file metadata extraction and embedding engine (for IPTC, EXIF, XMP metadata and office document text contents)
- ingestion engine (combining the above engines to process files and move them into the asset database and file storage)
- search engine (fulltext and metadata search across assets)
- collections database (where users can organize assets in collections)
- rights management database (usage rights and usage tracking for assets)
- controlled vocabulary database (thesaurus, country and keyword lists etc., with editing capabilities)
- workflow database (tracking which assets are in which stages of a workflow, in which status and assigned to which user – e.g. approval, rights clearance)
- user roles and permissions database (defining which users have which permissions on assets, using ACLs)
- asset publishing engine (adapters for sharing, publishing assets on Facebook etc.)