

Created: 2020-12-01

Unfamiliar problems

You have an unfamiliar problem and to solve it you either need to learn something new, or purchase goods or services to solve it.

  • e.g. taking out a mortgage, a health problem in the family, where to go to college, what skill to acquire next.
  • Unfamiliar problems are solved in large part with acquiring new knowledge, not just products or services.
  • These user journeys start with search engines — Google predominantly and a lot of the time solving them is spent on web pages.
  • When people are looking to solve unfamiliar problems, revenue is typically higher-margin, because users can't price the products and services as well.
  • These ultimately transition to being familiar problems.

Familiar problems

  • e.g. being entertained, keeping the dog food in stock, These are best solved with apps like Email, Netflix, Twitter, DTC subscription boxes, etc.

  • Solving these needs has a very well defined user interaction journey. You open the app you're familiar with and follow its standard flow.

  • Revenue from people solving familiar problems is typically lower-margin and there's more competing products.
